☀︎ Chapter 26 ☀︎

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Guess who has to do another 4 essayss (250 word count each)😜

just end me.


     As Killua ate his ramen, he looked over to his shoulder and saw Gon looking out the window. With the heavy snow flowing outside and his perfectly shaped face structure made him look dazzling in his eyes.

Gon noticed this and looked back at Killua, sending him a heart warming smile to Killua. This made his eyes soften in which in return opened his arms, signaling Gon to come to him. 

Once Gon saw this he quickly scrambled to him, sitting on his lap as Killua held his waist.

"NeGon, what do you say if we got our own apartment together..?"

This caught Gons attention as he pulled back from the hug, staring at Killua in dismay.

"Our own..?"


Gon smiled smiled widely at the thought, resting his head onto Killuas chest, hearing his heart beat calmly.

"I would love that.. just the two of us.."

Killua kissed his head and softly stroked Gons hair.

"How about this. Tomorrow we go out looking for apartments, one nearby your aunts house so you could visit her at any given time. " Killua inquired , looking at Gon from below his lap.

Gon smiled even more at the mere thought of Killua considering his aunt for him. He nodded his head before giving Killua a kiss on the cheek.

"Hm? What was that for?" Killua kindly smiled, enjoying the attention and love from his boyfriend.

"For being considerate about my aunt. I didn't expect of you to think of her while looking for an apartment for the both of us." Gon looked at the floor, his cheeks flushed cherry red.

"Well what can I say? I love and think about my boyfriend a lot~" Killua tuned his voice, pulling back a bit before kissing his lips, caressing his cheek. Gon returned the favor as he wrapped his arms around Killua, scooting closer.

This loving kiss tuned into a ravenous sloppy make out. Hands were traveling against bare skin, tongues were colliding against one another, soft moans and groans to be heard, and bright red hickeys were given.

Killua was rubbing Gons waist as Gon gave him his second hickey. Now this one was clearly visible as the other one was hidden right beneath his turtle neck.

Right when things get good, they hear a knock on the door. They both sigh in annoyance as Gon gets off his lap, catching his breath for the meanwhile.

"Who is it?" Killua questions, walking towards the entrance of the room. He slightly opens the door and peaks out, revealing Zushi. He looks over to Killua and noticed something red. He immediately looks away blushing.

"What is it, Zushi." Killua said in an annoyed tune. Zushi noticed this and quickly bows down, trying not to anger Killua anymore.

"I- I'm sorry to disturb you but Alluka has requested to see you at the garden patch at 10:30 P.M."

"At 10:30... why?" Killua raised an eyebrow at Zushi to which shrugged.

"If I'm being honest, I don't know. She sent me here to inform you about this event. Now if you excuse me, I will be going." Zushi bows one final time before quickly leaving.

Killua closes the door and looks over to Gon to which he had a confused expression.

"Out of all days, why today specifically?"

Killua shrugged, walking towards the bed and lying down next to Gon, placing his head onto his lap. His silver locks covered his face as Gon pushed them back, smiling at his beauty.

"I don't want to go.."

"But you never know what it's about. Who knows, it might be important."

"You're right.. I guess I'll go."

Killua spoke, slowly closing his eyes as Gon massaged his scalp in a soothing motion.

'He's just like a kitten, so cute' Gon thought admiring his boyfriend while playing around with his hair. He squealed softly as Killua enjoyed every moment together with Gon.

What he didn't know was that there was an incoming catastrophe, headed towards his way.

Will he get out of it?

Or will he not?



Random question of the day: favorite app? 📱 💻


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