☀︎︎Chapter 4☀︎︎

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???s POV:

I look at his limp body and laugh.

Weak ass 'butler'.

As I'm walking away, I feel a dark aura ahead of me, making me stop in my tracks. I try to identify who they are, until I feel claws on my throat. Their grip tightening each second.

Killua: "You fucker.. You thought you could do that and walk away as nothing happened? Do you!?"

I try to speak but it's no use. Words can't form out of my mouth as Killua tightly chokes me.

Killua: "Now now, I'm not gonna kill you by choking you."

What does he-

Killua: "I'm gonna make sure your death is slow but painful! How does that sound, Pitou(I know Pitous gender wasn't mentioned but pls go along with it)?"

He harshly lets go of me, throwing me off the ground. I catch my breath as I look up at him.

Fear wonders throughout my body as he gets closer to me

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Fear wonders throughout my body as he gets closer to me.

Killua: "Oh, that didn't knock you out? Well, this will!"He (IDK WHAT TO NAME IT?! Karate chop? Lol idk) making me pass out immediately.

Killua: "Oh, that didn't knock you out? Well, this will!"He (IDK WHAT TO NAME IT?! Karate chop? Lol idk) making me pass out immediately

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Killuas POV:

I decide instead of picking up her body, I'll drag her down toward the torture chamber. Before I do that, I run toward the area Gon was in.

I pick him up gently, my bloodlust going away immediately. I have to admit though, he was pretty light.

As I'm carrying him, I notice that dumb bitch left bruises on him., making me mad.

'I swear I'll decapitate her on her days of torture.' I think while heading to my room.

They're currently constructing a room for him, since they ran out.

Surely, he can use a guest room, but what's the fun in that?

I gesture Gon onto my left arm and open the door, bringing Gon onto both of my arms.

I set him onto my bed, walking back to my bathroom to get a first aid kit.

I eventually find it and head back to my room, finding Gon in the exact position he was.

I clean up his bruises and scratches and decide to change him into something more comfortable.

I head to my closet and pick out for him one of my hoodies. I take it out and walk back to Gon, slowly taking off his maid uniform.

Ok Killua, don't look at his nipples. Killua, you're looking at his nipples. Killua, just put on the hoodie. KILLUA WHY'D YOU PUT IT ON BACKWARDS!


It takes me at least 10 minutes to get him in the hoodie. Though, it was tempting to grope him-

Okay I should stop and take a nap for now.

I hold Gon onto me and cover us with the covers.

I forgot about Pitou..

Eh, she could stay down there. It's not like she'll wake up from that until the next day.

I kiss Gons forehead and slowly fall asleep.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 


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