☀︎︎Chapter 5☀︎︎

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Gons POV:

I start to wake up, feeling something around my waist. I completely open my eyes, looking behind me to see no other than the perv, Killua.

I sigh and try to let go of his grip. That is, until I feel warm, muscular arms grip onto my waist tighter, pulling me onto his chest.

Gon: "Killua-"

Killua: "Stay here." He orders, his grip tightening a bit.

Gon: "H-huh? B-but Kill-"

Killua: "That's an order."

Gon: "E-even if you order me to stay we c-can do this-"

He puts his finger over my lips, preventing me from speaking another word.

Killua: "Quit overthinking and come snuggle with me."

Then it hits me, I haven't asked Killua where the rest of his family members were.

Gon: "Hold on.. I haven't asked you this."

Killua: "And that is?"

Gon: "Where the hell are the rest of your family members?"

Killua: "Oh, whoops. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. They went on a quick mission to gain more money. I really don't know since I refused to go."

Gon: "Why didn't you go?"

Killua: "Because I wanted to stay here with you~"

Gon: "Yeah no, I'm leaving." I quickly get under his arms and get off the bed.

Hold on.

Who the fuck changed me?!

Killua: "nooo"

Gon: "Killua."

Killua: "Hm?"

Gon: "whothefuckchangedme!"

Killua looks at me with a 'what the fuck did you say' face.

Killua: "What the fuck did you just say?"

Gon: "Who. The. Fuck. Changed. Me?!"

He looks at me while smiling at me, knowing who did.

Killua: "Uhh, IhavetogoputPitouinthedungeon!"

He quickly runs out of the room, leaving me dumbfounded.


Well, that was intriguing.

I find my 'uniform' on his bed stand and start to put it on.

'I wonder when I'm going to get my uniform.'

Killuas POV:

As I'm rushing down the stairs, I find Pitous body in the same place, making me smirk.

'So my predictions were correct.' I drag her limp body from her hair, walking toward the dungeon underground.

We would use this place for 1 reason.


And that's what I'm going to do to this bitch.

I hold her arms above her head and tie her to chains.

Once I was done, I tied her feet.

I step back, admiring on how I tied her.

I start to walk away, locking the door securely on my way out.

Deciding on where to go for today, I received a message from iMessage.

iMessage from Alluka💞: Hi onii-chan! Hope you're doing well! We'll be arriving home in around 3 days. Bye! :)

I smile at the text before replying.

Killua⚡: Oh okay, stay safe, Alluka. Bye :)

I put my phone in my pocket and looked around for a familiar spikey-haired boy. Gon was really the only person who I trusted, besides Alluka.

I eventually find him dusting off the shelves from the living room.

Instead of coming up to him, I snuck upon him, hearing his steady breathing.

Killua: "Boo!"

Gon yells in dear as he drops the duster. He hastily turns around to face me. His face goes from terrified to annoyed.

Gon: "You moron! I could've dropped that antique on top of that shelf! ANd why'd you scare me anyways!"

He walked toward me, making me take a step back. It ends up me on the couch and Gon standing in front of me.

Killua: "How could I not? And by the way, this position is kinky."

He looks to where he was, then me, and turns away immediately. I could tell he was blushing from that, making me chuckle.

Gon: "Y-you pervert! I-I'm out."

As he tries to walk away, I hold his arm, making him stop.

He looks up at me questionably.

Gon: "What is it?"

Killua: "Want to go to a theme park?"



I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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