☀︎︎Chapter 12☀︎︎

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Gon: "NeKillua.."

Killua: "Hm?"

Gon: "Is there any way I could train to get stronger..?"

After seeing what happened last time, Gon wanted to get stronger. He wanted to be able to protect not only Killua, but the rest of the younger Zoldycks.

Killua: "Yeah there is, why?"

Gon: "W-well, I wanted to at least try to protect others incase something were to go wrong.." Gon said while fiddling his fingers. Killua saw this and smiled.

'So cute, Gon.'

Killua: "You could train with me if you'd like. If not, you could train with Leorio and Kurapika."

Gon: "I'll train with you! When exactly do I start?"

Killua: "Well, you could start on-"

"Gooooooon!!!! Could you please come in the kitchen area?"

Gon: "I'll be there in a sec! I have to go. Later on when I'm done you could tell me, alright?"

Killua: "Okay, bye."

Gon: "Bye!"

As Gon ran off, Killua wondered why they called him. I mean Gon was his personal butler?

He shrug it off and decided to go into his room for now. He laid in bed, texting his friends.

-Group chat-
Sushi🍣 : Hey guyyyysssss got any plans tonight?👀

Pikapika😵‍💫: Yes, I'm going to be very busy today.

Sushi🍣: How cruel of you, Kurapika🥲

Pikapika: You're over exaggerating, Zushi

Sushi 🍣: I am NOT

Ratz 🐀: Could you guys shut up? A girls trying to get her beauty sleep here 😒

Sushi 🍣: At 4? PLEASE

Oreo 👴: Please? Please suck deeze nuts for me

Pikapika😵‍💫: LEORIO


They kept on chatting like this until it became dark out


Killua: 'I wonder if Gons done with whatever he had to do..' he wondered while heading downstairs.

As he went downstairs, he heard sounds of a vacuum going off.

'Must be Gon.' He peaked over the wall to see Gon in his new uniform.

'Wait... he hasn't noticed my presence.' Killua smirked, sneakily walking up to Gon.

He shook his shoulders, making Gon jump in his place.

Gon: "AHH-"

Killua: "Shh, it's just me."

Gon: "Killua? KILLUA YOU FUCKING MORON YOU SCARED THE LIVING DAYLIGHT OUT OF ME!" Gon said while hitting his chest. Killua chuckled, wrapping his arms around Gon.

Gon: "K-Killua?" Gon stuttered, feeling Killuas arms go around him.

Killua: "I haven't seen you all day, haven't I?" He whispered into his ear, making Gon slightly shiver.

Gon: "Y-yeah.." he responded, placing his hands around Killuas chest.


"Another photo added to my collection. Let's see how much I'll get during this month."

Gon: "Eh? Did you hear something?" Gon said, looking both ways.

Killua knew who took a photo of them, making his eye twitch slightly. Although he knew, he didn't wasn't to ruin this moment with Gon.

Killua: "Nope." He responded, popping out the p.

Gon: "H-hey! T-too tight! A-and either way w-won't someone s-see us?" He responded panicking. The last thing he wanted to happen is to be fired due to an unusual position of a hug.

Killua: "Can we.. stay like this for a bit? Please?" He pleaded.

Gon: "If you insist.." he whispered back, blushing even more.

Killua smiled at this, burying his head into Gons neck more than before.


I was dead before, but I'm back! ^^

Random question of the day: what's your favorite season?👀


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