☀︎︎Chapter 14☀︎︎

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I've been so inactive, Im sorry😪

But anyways, enjoy this ig👹

Killua: "Say, Gon"

Gon: "hm?" Gon was currently cleaning Killuas  room as he laid on his bed facing the ceiling.

Killua: " When's your birthday?"

Gon: "May 5, why?"

'So it's next week' Killua thought while looking at Gon vacuum.

Killua: "Just wondering."

Gon: "If you say so, and also, your father wants to see you in his room." Killua groaned at that. Not because he didn't want to see him but the thought of moving irritated him.

Killua: "Do I have to?" He asked in a whiny tone.

Gon: "Quit whining and go! I have to finish cleaning your room either way."

Killua: "Uggghhhh finefine!" Killua quickly got up, and plopped down.

Gon: "Killua! What'd I say?!"

Killua: "In 5 minutes please.."

Gon: "No- you know what, I am done."

Killua was curious on what he meant. Opening an eye he saw Gon grab ahold of his blanket.

Killua: "W-WAIT GON PLEA-"

Before he could plead for Gon to not yank it off, he was too late.

Killua: "OKAY OKAY IM GOING" he yelled before scurrying his way toward the door. Gon smiled at this but it soon faded as he remembered something he scheduled today.

Later on today, he was going to go visit his aunt and pay off part of the treatment.

He had mixed feelings about this as Gon felt both worried and relieved.

Worried because he didn't know if he could pay before the due date.

Relieved because he was going to see her once again. Not only that but at least he payed part of it.

As he was lost in thought, the door creaked open, placing Gon on full alert.

Gon: "Hello?"

The door opened fully, revealing Alluka.

Gon: "Could I help you with anything, Alluka."

Alluka: "Yes actually, I wanted to ask you a question that's been on my mind for a while now."

Gon: "Go on,"

Alluka: "How do you make big brother smile easily..? And be completely honest unless."

Killuas POV:

I wonder what father wanted at this moment. He normally doesn't call me unless it's important.

I knock on his door before hearing a muffled 'come in.' I open the door to see him sitting down on his bed.

Silva: "Killua, come over here and sit beside me. I need to discuss an important topic with you."

My brows lightly furrow, unaware on what's bond to happen. I take a seat beside him as he looks at me seriously.

Killua: "What is it that you want to tell me?"

Silva: "Killua, we've arranged a wedding for you next week."


I haven't updated this book in almost a month, I'm sorry😭

Anyways, random question on the day: what's your favorite type of flower?👀🌺


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