☀︎︎Chapter 22☀︎︎

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These bitchy ass teachers really be assigning the most for everything.🤨

I'm pissed right now so I don't know how this'll go


While Killua was driving back to his house, he got caught in traffic.

'Fucking hell, out of all days?'

Killua thought while looking at the amount of cars surrounding him. He decided to text Gon in the meanwhile.


       -My Luv 💕

-Hey :)

-Killua! Hi!😊🥰😸

-How are you? You sound rather energetic than usual

-Weeeelll a new butler came in for Alluka and he's very nice! His name is Sushi? I didn't get that part too well 🤷‍♂️🍣 How about you? 😯

-So far I'm in traffic but I'll tell you something that happened earlier on today.

-Sushi? Baby I don't think that's his name

"Holy shit he called me baby" Gon spoke while looking at his screen blushing. He never told Killua but he loved it when he called him these types of nicknames. Whenever he did, he always got butterflies in his stomach and felt loved. Not that he didn't before but that's besides the point.

-I wasn't paying that much attention because I saw a bird hit the glass window 😢😭😿

-Oh no D: Is the bird okay?

-Yes it is! I checked afterwards don't worry 👍😎

-Oh alright, I'm gonna have to go since the traffics going away. I'll text you if I can okay?

-Okay! Bye Killua! ❤️ 😻 😽

-Bye love~


'Oh my god I'm literally having a panic attack!? WHAT'S UP WITH THE SQUIGGLY LINE??? HELLOOO?' He felt himself heating up even more as he heard someone passing by.

"Hey Gon! Why does your face look red." Zushi asked, looking at the very red Gon in concern. Gon waved him off and put his phone in his left pocket.

"It's nothing don't worry"

"Are you sur-"


"That's kinda sus"

"Eh? Leorio? What are you doing here?" Gon smiled widely as he ran up to him, Zushi slowly following behind.

"I'm here to inform some important news to Mr. Zoldyck"

"Oh Oh Oh! What is it about?"

"I cant say."

"Awh, pleaseeeeeeee?"


" *huffs* fine! Be that way" Gon turns around and starts to walk away, criss-crossing his legs like a bad bitch.

"Ugh fine, come here" Leorio groans knowing Gon's going to threaten him to tell him in another way. He turns back around with a wide smile plastered on his face, but this time he's skipping to him.


"Okay so you know the date Killua had, right?"


"She had an asthma attack and died."

Gons eyes widen hearing the news Leorio gave him.

'Damn it, what is wrong with me? I want to smile, I want to celebrate. But I can't since he'll question the living hell out of me. Fuck, I'm so happy..' he started to space out in his thoughts, thinking about having Killua to himself again. Leorio noticed this actions too and called out.


"O-oh I'm sorry, it's just that I didn't expect to hear that. It made me go speechless for a moment there."

"It's alright, it did too for me. But now I have to let him know about it, okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you then Leorio"

Leorio nods before walking his original path. Gon turned to zushi who was looking at the marble flooring.

"Ready to go?"

Zushi looked up to him and smiled.




Random question of the day: Computers or phones?📱💻


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