☀︎︎Chapter 25☀︎ ︎

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Hi, I'm sorry I haven't been updating. I had to turn in 2 essays that consisted of 1000 words😪

I won't be able to check any spelling errors also bc I have to work on another one😭


After that, Killua did as promised and payed his bills. He also had a talk with Gons aunt about the both of them and she supported them two.

Two months had gone by and they both got even closer. Everyday they would spend as much time as they could before splitting up and doing their own thing.

Killuas father had tried to assign him more women but Killua himself had ended up killing them all without any trace. He found that highly suspicious but never seemed to have any evidence of this conclusion.

He gave up on this and let Killua be with whoever he wanted. Happily, Killua agreed.

But on second thought, how would he tell his father about being in a relationship with a servant?

Tell him straight up?

Run away?

Lie about the lover living far away?

He was stumped. He didn't know what to tell him. It was as if the world took a turn around him, making him stressed about it.

After moments of thinking, he heard a door open, revealing Gon.

"Hey, what are you doing crouched down? I was looking for you to let you know about your Ramen being ready but I didn't seem to find you."

Gon walked up to him, staring at him from above.


"Hm? Is there anything wrong?"

"How would you feel if my father knew about us."

"W-what? You father knows..?" Gon anxiously asked, worried about being fired.

"Nonono, it's just. What would you feel if I told him, about us." Killua looked at Gons face, noticing how stumped he was as well.

"I don't know.. is he homophobic?"

"Hope not"

Gon let's out a sigh before sitting next to Killua.

"Is this what you're thinking about all morning?"

"Mm, I don't know what to tell him."

"If you ever tell him, what will you do after?" Gon asked, leaning his head on Killuas shoulder.

"Be more open about our relationship. I saw how close Zushi is to you and I don't like that."

"Aww is someone jealous?" Gon times his voice while giggling a bit. Killua moved his shoulder forward, making Gons head fall onto his lap.

"Hey! That wasn't so nice" Gon said while pouting.

"Oh well." Killua smirked.

"On a serious note, I believe Zushi likes Alluka."


"Yeah! I always see him blushing around her. He one gave her a rose and to this days she still has it."


Gon looked at Killua in a offended manner before slapping his shoulder.

"What was that for?!"

"Oh? Is that all you have to say? 'Oh'. You don't care that he has feelings for your sister?"

"Nah, I kinda trust him with her. And plus, I believe she likes him too."

"You kinda..?"

"Okayokay! Ido"

Gon smiles at him, standing up and walking to the door.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"To get your ramen silly"

"Reheat it a bit too, it probably got cold"

"Will do"

Once Gon left, Killua smiled to himself, thinking about Gon and their relationship together.

At one point, Killua thought about leaving with him and moving into an apartment, one close by his aunt so they could visit her frequently.

As he was lost in thought, Gon came in and was puzzled by his smile.

"What are you smiling about?"

This brought Killua back to his senses as he looked up at Gon with a soft smile.



I know this isn't much but it's better than nothing🙁

Question of the day: favorite holiday?


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