6- Closer

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"Don't you think we should head back? We aren't suppose to be out this late, or you know the dementors will come around." said Y/n as she watched the sun set. Her and Adrian spent the whole day outside by the black lake, getting to know each other. They had a lot of things in common.

"You're right, I have a prefects meeting in a bit and after that I have to patrol at night." said Adrian as he looked down at his watch. Adrian stood up and pulled his hand out to Y/n so he could help her up. They both walked back into the castle, looking for their friends.

  "Do you think they're all together? Probably not huh.. Miles isn't really a big fan of Fred and George and well George isn't really a big fan of Emilia. That's too bad huh.. I think she's really nice." said Y/n as her and Adrian walked side by side. Adrian let out a small laugh as he looked at the girl next to time. "I mean you three are quite popular, i bet you guys don't care who likes you and doesnt."

   "I wouldn't say popular, but known. I mean it's always been us three." said Adrian moving up the stairs and he was right, Emilia, Adrian and Miles never really had friends besides themselves besides Graham and Emilia's roommates but they weren't as close. They were popular and everyone either thought they were hot or thought they can be popular for hanging around them.

   "Well it's six now. You and the others aren't getting rid of me and the twins anytime soon, will make George like Emilia, and Miles will get use to us." said Y/n as Adrian smiled. He liked the way she was, she was very straightforward and seemed to let things go how they are.

   "Miles likes you guys, he just doesn't want to admit it. He's very stubborn, and for a while he was really was into the purity stuff, well the both of us were.. our parents had that affect on us, we grew up thinking pure bloods were better then anything else, and well E literally told us we were stupid for believing in that." said Adrian as Y/n glanced at him. Half bloods were frowned upon as well, and she was glad that he didn't believe in that anymore. "Took us while to stop calling muggle borns mudbloods.. but Miles just isn't use to talking to other people."

   "It really is, and that's good. Emilia definitely has a good effect on the two of you huh. I knew I liked her." said Y/n as she smiled. Adrian then stopped at a doorway as he quickly made a face. "What is it?"

   "I think I found Emilia. She's playing the piano.. I wonder whats wrong with her." said Adrian as he turned and looked at Y/n.

   "She plays really good! I didn't know she knew how to play, and what do you mean somethings wrong with her?" said Y/n as she narrowed her eyebrows at Adrian. Adrian hesitated to open the door almost as if he did he was going to get yelled at. He finally opened it to see Miles, Emilia and the twins sitting around a piano.

   "Wow! I didn't think I would see this." said Adrian as he pushed Y/n inside the room. George was sitting besides Emilia, and Miles and Fred were sitting down watching them. "You're playing in front of people ?"

   "Well I was kinda forced too, George walked in on me playing and didn't leave me alone, and then Fred and Miles came in and didn't want to leave either." said Emilia as she smiled watching Y/n and Adrian walk in together. "Where have you two been? Fred and Miles were looking for you."

   "Clearly weren't looking hard enough. I didn't know you played Emilia! You sound so good!" said Y/n as she moved closer to Emilia. Adrian watched Y/n smile and he liked her smile, it made him smile.

   "Move George, sit sit. I play a bit, George has been making me teach him, he wants to be my friends now, can you believe that." said Emilia, pushing George off the bench so that Y/n can sit next to her. Y/n laughed as George rolled his eyes and walked over to Fred.

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