63- Hogsmaede 2

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"Y/n! There you are!" said Hermione as her, George and Fred sat in the common room. Y/n looked and narrowed her eyebrows. "Ive been looking for you three."

"I'm not helping you with anything that has to do with Spew." said Y/n as Hermione made a face.

"It's not SPEW it's S.P.E.W, but no that's not what I wanted. Are you three interested in getting taught Defense Against the Dark Arts?" said Hermione as Y/n looked up at her and narrowed her eyebrows.

"What do you mean Granger?" said George

"Yeah what do you mean Hermione." said Fred as Hermione turned to look at him, going red. Fred tilted his head as Y/n looked at her strangely.

"Well look, we need to learn how to protect ourselves against you know who.. Harry can teach us and you know.. learn some actual spells." said Hermione as the three of them looked at her surprised.

"Well alright, when?" said Y/n as Hermione smiled. 

"This upcoming Hogsmaede trip! You can bring your boyfriend and his-" said Hermione but Y/n cut her off.

"He's not my boyfriend." said Y/n as Hermione raised her eyebrows and nodded. "But yeah alright."

"Brilliant, go to hogshead alright! See you there, remember hush hush." said Hermione as she nodded and walked away. Fred and George looked at her as Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Why are you two looking at me like that." said Y/n as Fred and George sat back in the couch.

"Its been two weeks since you and Adrian have broken up, Emilia tries to talk to you all the time and Miles. Arent you done holding it against them?" said Fred as Y/n crossed her arms against her chest.

"I talk to her." said Y/n as Fred and George gave her a look.

"Oh and cool is not talking Y/n, you're going to tell me you don't miss Emilia?" said George as Y/n looked down and sighed. She got up and started walking to the entrance when Fred and George looked at each other. "Where are you going?"

  "To talk to E, I do miss her." said Y/n annoyed, Fred and George got up and went to quickly follow her.


"What are you looking for?" said Graham as Emilia looked around in the boys room. Adrian and Miles looked at her as she threw herself back on a chair.

"I was looking for a needle." said Emilia as Adrian made a face.

"For?" asked Adrian

"Well to pierce my nose, you know? I feel so plain without it." said Emilia as Miles chuckled. Adrian rolled his eyes as she sat up. "I guess i'll have to wait until the Hogsmaede trip to buy a needle.

"Doesnt that hurt?" said Miles

"No, do you want your nose pierced?" said Emilia as Miles made a face and shook his head no. Graham smiled as Adrian laid back.

"I'm bored." said Adrian as he sighed. He got up and looked at Emilia who was looking at a Hiraeth magazine. "Do you want to go smoke?"

"Hagrid isn't here." said Miles as Emilia grinned.

"I have some in my trunk, if you want you can go get it. I don't have any papers but we can use a rose or something." said Emilia as Adrian nodded and went to Emilia dorm. Opening her trunk and grabbing the weed, the door opened when he turned around to see Y/n and the twins.

Emilia seen Y/n and the twins opened her door when she raised her eyebrows. "Oh hi? Do you guys need something?" said Emilia behind the twins, they turned around letting her into her room.

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