16- Jealousy

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(I don't know what his name is but we're going to make one up so🧍🏻‍♀️ Joseph Anderson^)

   It's been a week now that Adrian hasn't woken up, Y/n would spent her mornings, lunches and after classes when she wasn't in quidditch with him. Emilia, Miles and the twins would often join her. Gianna would often come and make small talk with her and ask her how he's been doing.

   "I brought you some fruit." said Emilia as she walked into the Hospital wing. Y/n looked up from her work and gave her a small smile, accepting it. "I would've thought he would've woken up now."

  "It's strange isn't it? His body is taking a long time to recover." said Y/n as Emilia grabbed her shoulder. Y/n missed having Adrian around, he's missed so much in a week.

   "Let's go, we have potions and if we're late, Snape's gonna hex us." said Emilia as Y/n picked up her things, the both of the walking out the Hospital wing. They met Miles and the twins as they sat in the table in the back, listening to a boring lesson.

   "Hey Emilia, I don't really understand this mind if you help me?" whispered Fred, Emilia went over the steps of how and why antidote was important and how some can be made. "We may not be in Professor Flitwick's class, but you sure are charming!"

   "Ah.. thanks.. but that's was horrible please don't ever do it again." said Emilia as George and Y/n bursted out laughing. Fred grinned and went back to doing his work as Miles gave Emilia a quick look.


   "I don't know why you let him do that." said Miles as he pulled Emilia into her dorm after class.

   "Are you talking about Fred? Is that's why you've been so moody all day? Really Miles?" said Emilia as she sat on her bed. Their relationship was toxic, even if they never wanted to admit it.

   "Yeah really. We've been together for a bit now Emilia, you shouldn't be forgetting you have a boyfriend." said Miles walking over to her. Emilia looked up at him and gave a stern look.

   "I don't forget I have a boyfriend. You constantly remind me, don't you?" said Emilia as Miles glared at her. He hated fighting with her but his jealousy over powered him, he cared to much for her. Their fight lasted a while until Emilia's eyes shined. Whenever she was about to cry, Miles changed his tone and went soft.

   "Well why can't you act like it? I love you Emilia, why can't you love me huh and don't tell me you do because I know you don't." said Miles as Emilia looked taken back. That was the first Miles told her he loved her. "You'll never love me like you loved Cedric will you?"

   "I'm not going to do this with you right now Miles. Stop bringing up Cedric, because I don't bring up you treating me like i'm going to cheat on you, like Charlotte did." said Emilia, her voice cracking. Miles knew what he was doing but didn't stop. "You don't even love me, you're just saying that to make me feel some type of way."

   "You just don't love me. Just say it. Say you don't love me." said Miles as he gently touched her face but she moved back. Emilia did love him, she didn't want too though. He was possessive and selfish, but her heart didn't see that. She seen the good instead of the bad, even if she wanted too.

   "I do Miles and I don't want too. I hate how you make me feel, you don't trust me. I've read tons of books about love and i've never understood how someone can let themselves fall in love like this until now. Cedric never compared to you Miles. I didn't love Cedric.." said Emilia as Miles grabbed her hand. His heart beating fast as he pulled her into a hug.

   "If one day we break up.. we can't stop being friends. I cant lose you as my friend either. Please promise me? We're forever even if it means we're friends. Please Emilia. Promise me forever." mumbled Miles in Emilia's neck. She felt the hot tears falling down her face as Miles held her tighter.

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