11- Family Dinner

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"Merlin how am I going to tell your parents we had sex and I got you pregnant." said Adrian as Y/n bursted into laugher.

"Shut up, i'm sure they already knew. Merlin Adrian, that's what you think of?" said Y/n as they changed, they were heading to Morales Manner to have dinner with Y/n's parents and Adrian's.

"Well I'm kind of nervous, love." said Adrian as he placed his hands on her stomach, smiling he kissed her shoulder and moved to her neck. "Do you think we're going to be good parents?"

"I think we'll be excellent parents." said Y/n as she turned around to face him, he smiled and moved her hair behind her ear. "Shall we go now?"

"We shall, oh we're not apparating." said Adrian as he grabbed her wand. "It's a risk to apparate while you're pregnant, so i'm driving."

"I'm only eleven weeks pregnant, Adrian. It's not a risk-"

"Uh I don't care, i'm driving." said Adrian as Y/n rolled her eyes, Adrian grabbed her hand as they walked out of the house and opened the car door for her. "You have to be extra careful."

"Well yes of course but it would be so much easier if we just apparated there." said Y/n as Adrian narrowed his eyebrows at her.

"No, I will not have you nor our child in any type of danger." said Adrian as he started driving causing Y/n to laugh and roll her eyes.


"I cant believe you asked my parents if you could marry me." said Emilia as she set plates on the table in the dinner room at the Morales Manner.

"Well I wanted your parents to be fine with it, beautiful." said Miles with a laugh as he hugged her from behind and kissed her head. Nick came into the room and made a face, cringing.

"Please stop it. You're like five.." said Nick as Miles and Emilia rolled their eyes at him. Hayden and Eloise arrived with Andres when he went running to Miles.

"Hi Mayós! Hi tia!" said Andres as he hugged Miles, Emilia smiled slightly as Miles played with Andres.

"So when's the wedding, huh?" said Hayden as Emilia smirked.

"Let's not talk about it today, don't bring it up. It's Y/n's and Adrian's day today." said Emilia as Miles nodded in agreement. Gianna, Cane and the Pucey apparated causing everyone to jump.

"I have arrived! What is going on?" said Gianna as she looked at a beet red face Emilia and Miles.

"Yes what is going on?" asked Mrs. Pucey as Emilia smiled.

"Well it's just a dinner of course." said Emilia as she looked at Cane and Gianna. "Are you two dating, yet?"

"Emilia!" said Gianna and Cane, Mr. and Mrs. Pucey looked at them surprised as Miles bursted into laugher.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Was I not- Nevermind I'm just going to stop talking, please sit down, my parents should be here any minute and Y/n and Adrian." said Emilia as Hayden grabbed Andres and showed the others to the dinning room. The doorbell rang as Emilia and Miles went to open it.

"Oh Mrs. and Mr. L/n, how are you!" asked Miles as he let them in, they narrowed their eyebrows and look at them.

"I'm quite alright, but I do not understand why we are here without an explanation." said Mrs. L/n as Emilia smiled and lead them to the dinning room with the Pucey's. "Oh! Edmund! Blair.. how are you."

"Oh Y/m/n.. Y/F/n, i'm quite alright.. how are you?" said Mrs. Pucey, Mr. Pucey nodded as Emilia's parents came in to greet everyone.

"Oh please pardon us for our lateness, we had to help Kingsley with something quickly. How are you all, it's been so long." said Mr. Morales, the door open as Emilia turned around to see Y/n and Adrian.

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