49- Cheater Cheater

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"Why did you leave breakfast so early?" said Y/n as she sat down next to Emilia in divination. Emilia sighed and looked at her friend seeing Adrian, Miles and the twins behind her.

"I'll tell you later." said Emilia rather annoyed. Y/n sat down next to her as Adrian and Miles sat back behind them and Fred and George to the left of them. "Why is it always so hot in here."

"To get your inner eye open my dear." said Professor Trelawney. Y/n gave Emilia a look as she chuckle and watched her friend drop her head. "We will be going over Xylomancy. Xylomancy is an often overlooked type of Divination that relies upon twigs. It's an ancient method and in order to be able to read the omens, one must account for several aspects, such as the size, shape, and colour of the twigs."

  "Another stupid lesson." groaned Miles. Professor Trelawney gave him a look and continued.

  "I've picked up many twigs from the dark forest, I'm going to ask you to come up and grabbed the one that calls out to you." said Professor Trelawney, everyone went up one by one grabbing a stick. Y/n grabbed a oddly skinny stick that had a bunch of dents in it, Emilia grabbed a small skinny twig, Miles grabbed a thicker stick as Adrian grabbed a stick that had a bunch of twigs hanging off it. "Now, turn to page 111."

  "Divination is such foolery." said Adrian opening his book.

  "I don't think so.. I mean.. we're wizards.. werewolves..Ghost.. bloody mermaids exist." said Y/n as Emilia chuckled and Adrian made a face. "I wouldn't be too surprised if all this stuff was real."

  "I never really thought about it like that.." said Emilia as she opened the book and read the page. Miles rolled his eyes and opened his book.

  "It's still stupid." said Miles

  "Has Professor Trelawney predicted something and it's come true? Is that why you're so bitter Miles?" said Y/n as Fred and George chuckled. Miles gave Y/n a face as Adrian smirked.

"Shut up Adrian." said Miles

"So she has?" said Fred

"What was it?" said George

"Yeah what was it?" said Y/n

"None of your business." spat Miles

"When we started divination our third year, Professor Trelawney predict Miles getting his heart broken." said Emilia not looking up. Miles made a face and hit her in the head with a pillow as she turned around to look at her.

"Bloody hell Emilia. Shut up for once yeah?" said Miles as Y/n gave him a face. Adrian rolled his eyes and looked back down at the stick when Professor Trelawney came around and looked at Y/n and Emilia sticks.

"Oh wow! I feel very bad for the two of you.. says here you'll feel great pain soon.. maybe a heartbreak." said Professor Trelawney as Emilia and Y/n looked at each other and turned back to look at Adrian. Professor Trelawney wakes over to the boys and looked very serious. "You two as well.. hmm... strange."

"How the hell do you know that from sticks?" said Adrian as she narrowed her eyebrows at him. Miles looked at his stick and threw it back on the table as she left. "She doesn't know anything."

"What kind of pain... I don't have a high pain tolerance.." said Emilia looked back down at her book at Y/n bursted into laugher.

"Shut the hell up." said Y/n as Emilia chuckled. Adrian and Miles looked at each other and rolled their eyes as the girls. The six of them of spent the class period to talk.


"Arent you suppose to be in a prefects meeting?" said Y/n as she seen Adrian and Cedric walking down the hall. He stopped and grinned as he made his way over to her.

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