87- City of Love

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"So are you three staying at Hayden's as well?" asked Y/n as they waited for Eloise in the French Ministry of Magic.

"Oh no, we have work so we'll just be coming back and forth when he needs us." said Bill as the others nodded.

"So how have you been Emilia? Are you still planning on going back to America?" asked Charlie, Miles gave Adrian a face as he chuckled while Emilia smiled softly.

"Yeah I do still plan.. on going back." said Emilia feeling Miles stares. Y/n looked at Adrian as they laughed. "But Bill! I heard you've been giving Fleur Delcour private lesson."

"Y/n why did you open your big mouth." said Bill messing up her hair with a laugh, Y/n rolled her eyes as Adrian smiled. "But mind your business, won't you!?"

"Aw come on William, tell them how good she gotten." said Y/n as they looked at her, Emilia chuckled as Bill looked down at Y/n and made a face. "At her english Bill, at her english."

"Famille Morales! Weasley! Bletchley, L/n and Pucey! Zo nice to zee you all!" said Eloise Martin running down the hall to hug Emilia.

"It's nice to see you too Eloise." said Emilia gasping for air as Eloise hugged her tightly, she let go of Emilia and hugged Y/n tightly.

"You're going to crush them, my love!" said Hayden as Eloise pulled away and smiled, kissing Hayden. Emilia made a face and turned to Nick.

"He's getting married, how strange." said Emilia as Nick agreed.

"Oui Bill! 'ave you zeen Fleur lately? Ive zeen hear english is improving!" said Eloise as the others chuckled and looked at him.

"I have.. and yes her english has improved.." said Bill turning red, the others started laughing as they walked out of the Ministry.

"So we'll take you guys home first, set your things there. Then I was thinking we can go out to eat, my treat for you all to be apart of the upcoming day." said Hayden as they entered his car. Y/n phone started ringing as she looked down to see it was Joseph.

"Zounds great! Doesnt it!" said Eloise, the others agreed. Y/n phone rang again as she made a noise and looked down at it.

"You can answer it Y/n, it's alright." said Nick laughing, she looked at it and hung it up again as she turned back up.

"It's no one important." said Y/n turning her phone off, Adrian glanced at her and grinned.

"So when you all came last time, how was it? Did you guys do anything fun." said Charlie as he looked at Emilia.

"Did you guys go to the bars!" said Nick looking at them, Emilia chuckled and looked at Y/n who held her smile back from the memory.

"It was pretty memorable.. wasn't it Y/n?" said Emilia as Y/n chuckled and looked at Adrian.

"Memorable is a word for it." said Y/n as Adrian smiled and looked at her. They arrived to a beautiful house with bright green trees surrounding the driveway.

"Do you need help with you trunk Emilia?" asked Charlie as he grabbed it, Miles shot her a look as she looked at Y/n who was smiling.

"Oh! I didn't but thanks.." said Emilia as she looked at Miles and give him a push. Hayden and Nick looked at each other and chuckled.

"It's pretty here, isn't it." said Adrian as he looked at Y/n, she turned to him and nodded as they walked inside the door.

"Go ahead and show yourself around, the rooms are upstairs. There's somethings I need to discuss with the others." said Hayden as Charlie handed Emilia her trunk back, they walked up to stairs and opened a door to see a nursery.

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