10- A Little Surpise

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"Told you they'll be alright." said Adrian as he and Y/n looked at a sleeping Miles and Emilia in bed. Nick was walking past as he stopped and turned to look at Emilia and Miles.

"Gross." said Nick cringing as he kept walking, Y/n and Adrian chuckled as he went and hit Miles with a pillow causing him to jump.

"Blimey! I-.. the door was lock.." said Miles as he looked at a sleeping Emilia. He lifted the covered and quickly covered himself as Adrian made a face.

"Well.. we came to ask if you wanted to go out and eat." said Y/n with a laugh, Miles was beet red in the face as Emilia moved in her sleep, pulling Miles closer to her. Y/n smiled as she watched Miles look at Emilia. "Well.. it looks as if you're busy, well come back later."

"We'll go over." said Miles as Adrian chuckled and grabbed Y/n as they disapparated. 


Two months later

"I bet you got a stomach flu, love." said Adrian as he walked past Y/n throwing up in the bathroom, she looked up at him and made a face. "I'll be back, alright? I'll go and get some medicine, it's still early. The Hogwarts express doesn't leave until eleven."

Y/n heard Adrian apparate away as she got up and wiped her mouth. She called Emilia who answered quickly. "Hello!" said Emilia.

"Are you busy?" asked Y/n with concern in her voice.

"Are you alright? You sound kind of worried, i'm on my way." said Emilia as she hung up and appeared in front of Y/n.

"Blimey!" said Y/n jumping, Emilia looked in the toilet and made a face as Y/n looked at her. "I.. I think i'm pregnant."

Emilia's eyes widen as Y/n nodded. "Really? Have you taken a test?" said Emilia as Y/n shook her head 'No'. "Hold up."

Emilia disapparated and came back a few seconds later, handing her a small bottle, she remembered from five years ago was a wizards pregnancy test. "What if I am Emilia.." said Y/n as she opened the bottle.

"Just.. pee and well worry about it later." said Emilia walking out the bathroom, Y/n closed the door and peed in the bottle, opening it again as her and Emilia watched the red bottle.

"How long does it usually take.." said Y/n as she looked down at her watch.

"Two to three minutes... if it's blue.. it's yes and if it's white then no." said Emilia looking at the bottle. Y/n felt sick again as she puked into the toilet while Emilia moved her hair back and rubbed her back. The bottle turned blue as Emilia and Y/n looked at each other.

They heard Adrian apparated back as Y/n hide the potion, Adrian came walking into the bathroom to see Emilia. "Oh! I didn't know you were coming so early and without Miles." said Adrian as Emilia chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh.. Well I just.. needed to talk to Y/n.. alone.. uhh.. yeah.." said Emilia, Adrian made a face and looked at Y/n.

"Are you feeling better?" asked Adrian as Y/n nodded. "Well since you're here, you can help me make the potion, Y/n has a stomach flu."

Adrian handed her the bag full of stuff as Emilia glanced at Y/n. "Yeah.. alright." said Emilia as she quickly made her way to the kitchen.

"Why don't you come lay down for a bit." said Adrian rubbing her back.

Adrian pulled Y/n to the couch and covered her with a blanket as Emilia started mixing things together, Y/n looked at her as Adrian walked into another room. Miles apparated into the room as he looked at Y/n and Emilia's face expressions. "What are you two up too." said Miles.

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