128- Bonus Chapter

638 21 59

  Time sets back to October 1993 before Y/n and Adrian

"Don't be ridiculous Fred, Liam is a great boyfriend. I have no idea where he's at most of the time recently but he's always been nice to the two of you, why can't you be nice to him?" said Y/n sitting on a squishy armchair in the Gryffindor common room.

"Y/n, please, he's such a dork. He can never take a joke, he can never laugh. I don't understand how you've been with him for almost seven months now." said Fred causing George to let a few laughs escape his mouth.

"Honestly, Y/n/n. He reminds us so much of Percy. It's like you saying you have a crush on Percy." said George making Y/n gave him a glare.

"Oh, whatever you two. Can we go to dinner now, i'm starving." said Y/n getting up from the chair, the twins laugh and exchanged looks to one another. "Stop it, I see what the two of you are doing."

"Do you think we'll see Emilia on the way?" asked Fred. George rolled his eyes, groaned and walked a bit faster. "Will you relax!"

"I'm tired of hearing about those bloody Slytherin. That's all you two ever talk about, Emilia this, Miles that, Adrian said, that's all I ever hear." said George. Fred and Y/n exchanged looks and chuckled, leaving George more annoyed.


"Hazel.. Hazel, stop." said Adrian pushing her head off him. She looked up, narrowing her eyebrows. Adrian pulled his pants up and turned to his girlfriend. "Why are you doing all that for?"

"What do you mean?" said Hazel looking offended.

"You never use to do all that. It was fine before." said Adrian. He sat done on his bed, pulling her on his lap. "Are you ok?"

"How could I be ok, when my own boyfriend choose everyone before me. I've dealt with Morales for quite a long now, now L/n? What is she to you? Ive never seen you talk to her before." said Hazel resting her head on Adrian's shoulder as he looked down at her lap.

"A friend, she's just a really good friend, Haz." said Adrian reassuring his girlfriend. Hazel sighed, when the door open to reveal Graham and Emilia coming in. They stopped and looked at Hazel and Adrian.

"Sorry." said Graham turning to Emilia who's hair seemed to be a bit messier than usual. They quickly closed the door while Hazel stood up.

"Maybe we should head to dinner. That's probably where Morales and Montague are going and Bletchley is probably around there." said Hazel grabbing his arm. The two of them made their way down to the stairs.

Fred, Y/n and George were heading towards the Great Hall when Adrian and Hazel walked across them. Adrian lifted his head, turning to see Y/n who was laughing with Fred and George making him smirk. Hazel noticed it and shook her head as she let go of Adrian's hand. "What?" said Adrian turning to look at her.

"Hm? Oh nothing, i'll see you after dinner." said Hazel making her way towards her friends when Adrian noticed Emilia and Miles sitting next to each other and Graham in front of the two.


"You know, I haven't really seen Liam in a bit. Like, I see him at breakfast and dinner but not anywhere else." said Y/n as her, George and Fred sat in the library finding ways to create a flying light.

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