7- Christmas Eve

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It was Christmas Eve, and everyone had left home. Fred, George and Y/n stayed, they woke up late and were making their way to lunch when they bumped into three familiar Slytherin. "I didn't know you guys were staying!" said Y/n as she saw Emilia, Adrian and Miles walking up to them.

"My mum and dad are spending christmas with my annoying relatives. I can't stand them very much so I decided to stay here, so did E and Adrian." said Miles as George looked at Emilia. Emilia had told him about her parents one day at their piano seasons, and he guessed that Miles and Adrian stayed to be with her.

"Are you guys just now heading to the Great Hall? We kinda woke up late so we haven't ate.." said Emilia trying to change the subject before she had to explain why she didn't go home. Her eyes meet George's and quickly looked back at Y/n and Fred's.

"No, we woke up late as well, and i'm starving! Should we go!" said Fred, walking closer to Emilia. George and Y/n's glanced at each other and back forward. Lately Fred's been trying to do anything to get Emilia's attention. The six of them walked into the Great Hall and since it was mostly empty the three Slytherins sat with the Gryffindor's.

"My parents usually celebrate today at night and we stay up until midnight and stuff like that. We should do that, my dorm is empty. You guys can just sneak into the Slytherin Common room and straight to my dorm!" said Emilia as she poured herself pumpkin juice. Miles and Adrian looked at each other and back at the Gryffindors. Knowing that Emilia never really spoke about her parents to anyone.

"You guys should join us, we can also go in the forest and take some hits and come back to the dorms, I have fire whiskey that I snuck in my trunk." said Adrian as Emilia and Miles agreed. The gryffindors looked at them with a confused expression. "You guys have smoked right?"

"Smoke? Like cigarettes?" said Y/n as the slytherin gave her a disgusted look. Emilia let a small laugh and looked around to make sure no teachers were close to her before say said it was weed. "Ohhh!! I haven't."

"Neither have I." said the Twins in unison. The Slytherins grinned at each other and let a few laughs out as Y/n, Fred and George looked at each other confused.

"Alright that's it! After dinner we'll go and get some and smoke it in the forest and then sneak into the kitchen and get some snacks and then head to my dorm. Well if that's if you three are up for it?" said Emilia grinning at the Gryffindors in front of her. They looked at each other and agreed as Emilia, Adrian and Miles smirked.


After Dinner.

"Alright so here's the plan! Y/n is going to come with me to get the weed ok and then you four get the food from the kitchen and then throw it in my dorm, and we'll meet you in the forest alright?" said Emilia and Adrian and Miles agreed and did a weird handshake with E as the Gryffindors looked at each other weird. "See you guys in a bit."

"Where exactly do you get this from? It doesn't grow around here does it?" said Y/n as her and Emilia walked out the castle, avoiding the teachers. Emilia let out a small laugh and pointed down to Hagrids hut. "Really? Wow!"

"Yeah, it's a secret though. Nobody can know because he'll get in trouble. Madam Pomfrey and Dumbledore have him growing it because its an ingredient for some healing potions." said Emilia as her and Y/n quickly went out in the snowy trails.

"You knowww Fred likes you right?" said Y/n as Emilia smirked a bit. Emilia knew that Fred felt some way towards her because he was always trying to flirt with her, but she only sees him as a friend. "I mean it's quite obvious, and well he's been trying to get your attention but i'm sure you've noticed."

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