32- Mistakes

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(Ephraim Dobrev^)

Y/n constantly felt the Beauxbaton stare at her, she would often catch Joseph staring at her as well which made her very uncomfortable. Fortunately they returned back into their giant carriage after breakfast so she didn't have to get the stares all day.

"Moody is awesome! I think this is actually a decent teacher." said Fred as Y/n ate her breakfast. She often found herself craving Adrian more than she expected and the both of them would usually sneak off into the dorms. Fred and George oblivious to what was really happening made things ten times funnier when they would ask where she would disappear off too.

"Yeah he's alright, thinks he's a bit mad though don't you think?" said Y/n looking across the tables to see Adrian talking to Emilia who looked rather red.

"Definitely, I mean he did fill half the cells in Azkaban, he's probably growing crazy thinking somebody is going to come after him." said George scuffing down his food in a hurry. Y/n looked at them strangely as they eat rather fast.

"You two are going to choke, why are you eating so fast?" said Y/n as she watched the twins turned to look at her. Fred and George continued to eat quickly as Y/n stared at them strangely and went back to eating her food. "Do you know who that boy is that keeps on staring over here?"

   "His name is Stéphane Bernard, he's french. He spoke to Fred and I about how he thought the age potion was going to work and disappointed it didn't." said George looking back at Stéphane then continued to eat. Fred looked up at the boy and turned to look at Y/n.

"Why do you care who he is?" said Fred as Y/n turned to look at him stupidly. George lifted his face from his plate and looked at his brother and friend.

"Well he keeps on staring at me so I was just wondering who he was. It was just a question Fredrick relax." said Y/n rolling her eyes. George and Fred chuckled when the owls started entering the Great Hall. O/n dropped letters in front of Y/n and noticed it was from her parents and Lucas who seemed to be learning how to write.

"Dear Y/n,
That's great to here about the Triwizard Tourment, It hasn't been held in years, hope you enjoy it. How are you and Adrian? I see your grades have been good, keep up the great work. Proud of you love. Lucas is also learning how to read and write and he's getting there. He sent you a letter, write to me as soon as you can. Miss you.
Love Mum."


Three letters dropped in front of Adrian, four letters dropped in front of Emilia and the daily prophet and two letters dropped in front of Miles. Emilia was quick to pull one open as Adrian looked over her shoulder seeing it was from Charlie.

"Who's your letter from E?" said Adrian grinning as Emilia quickly closed it and glared at him. Miles lifted his head from his letter and looked up at Emilia seeing her turn red. "Maybe from a certain Weasley?"

"Shut up Adrian and yes it is actually from Charlie. Mind your business won't you?" said Emilia as Miles gave her a look. Adrian bursted into laugher seeing Miles angry face.

"Is this you? I didn't know you vere model." said Viktor Krum reading the daily prophet. Emilia turned to look at the paper as her mouth dropped. Miles and Adrian picked up the Daily Prophet to see a picture of Emilia from the Quidditch World Cup.

"Daily news, Emilia Morales, 17, one of the youngest wizard models of the century. Louis and Marcel Baudelaire owners of 'Hiraeth' had her wearing one of their pieces to the Quidditch World Cup that was held August 11th, seeing that she must be the new face of 'Hiraeth'. Due to the recent events that happened the owners waited on publishing the photos of her. The brand hopes that many other wizards are influenced in trying out muggle clothing. Emilia was accompanied by her family, Chief Auror Diego Morales, Auror Ariella Morales, Auror Hayden Morales and Curse breaker Nick Morales, Adrian Pucey and Miles Bletchley in wearing the brands name as well. The seasons fashion are shown below.

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