72- Christmas

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Y/n had spent Christmas morning at headquarters with the Weasley's since Arthur had gotten attacked. "Y/n why don't you invite Adrian over later for dinner?" said Mrs. L/n as Fred and George turned to look at her. "I'm sure Lucas would love to see him."

"Oh.. I don't think that's a good idea." said Y/n as she looked down at her food, George glanced at Mrs. L/n who was giving Y/n a look.

"Why not? The Morales told me he came back with Emilia so he should be at her house right? You can invite them over." said Mrs. L/n.

"I'm sure he's probably going to enjoy Christmas with them." said Y/n and looked up at her mother as she narrowed her eyebrows.

"Oh I'll invite them over myself then, Fred and George you two are welcomed as well. So does anyone have a quil, Sirius?" said Mrs. L/n.

"We broke up, stop it." said Y/n as she sighed, her mother looked at her surprised as Molly peaked her head from the corner. "Just stop."

"What? When??" said Mrs. L/n, Y/n face palmed. Fred and George looked at each other as they drunk from their cups.

"We just.. we just didn't work out mum, i'm still friends with them it's just we're just better as friends." said Y/n as Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at her. She couldn't tell her parents the truth, well what she thought was the truth, she couldn't let them hate him.

"I- Well.. alright." said Mrs. L/n, Y/n turned to the twins and sighed as she rested her head on her hand.


  Emilia and Adrian where at Cedric's grave as Adrian watched Emilia set new flowers and clean the snow of his grave. "Aren't you going to miss coming to his grave when you leave?" said Adrian, Emilia shot him a look as she moved away from it.

"Stop it, I know what you're trying to do and it won't work." said Emilia as Adrian rolled his eyes and placed his hands in his pocket.

"Lucas sent me a letter last night, I guess Y/n hasn't told them we've broke up because he wants me to visit them." said Adrian as she shook her hand. Emilia held out her hand as they apparated back to the house.

"I'm sure she just doesn't know how to tell them." said Emilia as she made her way into the kitchen, Adrian made a face and followed her. "Or not ready."

"I miss her." said Adrian as Emilia sighed and looked at him. She pulled out a recipe book and smiled.

"You know what always makes me feel better, baking. What are you in the mood for? I was thinking maybe some tarts or cauldron cakes?" said Emilia as Adrian rolled his eyes.

"I'm not helping you, but yes." said Adrian as Emilia chuckled, Nick came running into the kitchen as he looked at Emilia.

  "Can you make chocolate chip cookies!" said Nick as Adrian rolled his eyes. Miles apparated into the kitchen causing Emilia to jump and throw flour on her and Miles.

"Blimey E." said Miles as Adrian and Nick bursted into laugher, she turned around sighed.

"Can you stop doing that! Clean it up." said Emilia as Miles smiled and pulled his wand out, cleaning all the flour off the both of them.

"Anyways, Merry Christmas." said Miles as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, she glanced at him as he looked down at the table. "OoH can you make a Treacle tart?"

"Wasnt Graham suppose to be here too?" said Nick, not even seconds later Graham apparated and behind Emilia causing her and Miles to jump. "Oh nevermind."

"Merry Christmas you all, my mum told me to give this to you E." said Graham as he handed her a small box, Miles narrowed his eyebrows as Adrian chuckled. "She said it's some old family baking recipes since she knows how much you like to bake."

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