13- March 14

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(Cane Bletchley ^)

Adrian stared at his two friends as they ate breakfast. Emilia was reading some book and Miles was copying off Emilia's homework. Adrian sighed a couple of times until Miles and Emilia finally looked up at him.

"Mate I think you've been hanging out to much with E because you're doing the same things she does." said Miles as Adrian closed Emilia book and looked back at his friends.

"Me and Y/n nearly kissed on Friday until Gianna interrupted and then she grabbed my hand." said Adrian as Emilia and Miles started to giggle. Adrian looked at them annoyed and turned to the Gryffindor table to see Y/n laughing with Fred and George. "I wanted to kiss her."

"You sound so.. well.. not you." said Emilia laughing. Adrian gave her a look and then rested his chin on his palm. "I think she's changing you, and for the better. Plus she hot so definitely a win win."

"She really is changing you, I don't ever see you randomly flirting with girls anymore. Our Adrians in love E!" said Miles laughing. Adrian gave him look and smirked, Miles stopped laughing and looked at Emilia surprised. "Really?!"

   "Oh come off it, you seem to be crushing as well, I want to know who your secret girlfriend is." said Adrian causing Miles to choke on his juice, and Emilia to chuckle silently.

  "I don't have a secret girlfriend? Where would you get that idea, no but we were talking about you almost kissing Y/n." said Miles awkwardly.

   "I'm not stupid Miles, I see that hickey on your neck. You literally sneak off in the middle of the night. Both Graham and I are still awake, you don't flirt with any girl either. Don't even look at anybody's direction." said Adrian laughing. Emilia looked at Miles surprised and back at Adrian with a chuckle. "She must be special if you haven't told us about her."

   "You think Miles would take any girl seriously, don't get your hopes up." said Emilia as Adrian started laughing. Miles gave Emilia a quick look and gave Adrian a fake smile.

   "Well it seems like i'm not the only one changing, I think I'm going to ask Y/n on a date..." said Adrian as Emilia looked over at the Gryffindor table to see Y/n looking at Adrian. "Will you help me E?"

   "You can borrow my dorm, Aria is going to be with Cane and Victora is going to be with Pattie, I can just hang out with Miles and Graham in yours." said Emilia as she opened her book again. Adrian turned around to look at Y/n who was now avoiding a piece of toast to the face. Emilia watched Autumn give George a kiss on the cheek and looked as a happy couple, she sometimes wishes her and Miles didn't have to hide their relationship.


"For someone who says you don't like him you look at him a lot." said George laughing. Autumn turned back to look at the Slytherin table to see who Y/n was looking at, when she turned back to see Fred throwing a piece of toast at her.

"Shut it George, you learned how to play the piano for five months to ask Autumn out. Don't talk to me about liking people." said Y/n smiling as George turned red and rolled his eyes. Autumn smiled and gave George a kiss on the cheek, George wrapped his arm around her waist. "It would be weird if I did like him right?"

  "Why would it be weird? I'm sure he likes you, it's quite obvious but well girls tend not to see the obvious." said Fred as he watched Emilia from across the table. Y/n groaned and turned back to the Slytherin table.

   "This is why i'm so glad to be friends with Emilia." said Y/n as she got up and walked to the Slytherin table. Miles and Emilia watched her walk over behind Adrian. "Hi guys, I was just wondering if I can borrow Emilia from you two quickly."

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