04- Y/n's Pain

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Emilia heard the doorbell ring as she got up from her bed and groaned, she walked down the stairs rubbing her eyes when Miles was coming down the stairs behind her. "It's six in the morning, I get your famous now but who visits this early." said Miles as Emilia rolled her eyes and smiled.

She opened the door to see Elijah as she quickly closed it and locked it as she turned to look at Miles who's smile faded. "That's who's knocking.." said Emilia as she slowly walked away from the door.

"You changed the locks on the door? I just want to talk, beautiful! I know what happened the other day was bad.. come on we always work through this!" shouted Elijah from behind the door. Miles turned to look at her as she stared at the door.

"You're not opening the bloody door, Emilia." said Miles in such a serious tone causing her to turn to look at him.

"I wasn't planning too!" said Emilia as she made a face and walked over to him.

"Emilia! I'm serious, open the door. Are your friends gone now? Come on, I want to talk to you.. I miss you." shouted Elijah as Emilia rolled her eyes, Miles looked at her as she sighed.

"I'm going back to bed." said Emilia as Miles made his way over to the door, Emilia made a face watching Miles open it.

"See I knew- Oh you're still here." said Elijah staring at Miles who was a few inches taller then him, Emilia quickly walked over to Miles and pushed the door closed as Elijah pushed it open.

"Miles.. let's go back to bed.. you don't need to do this.." said Emilia not realizing what her words sounded like until Elijah grabbed her arm tightly.

"You're sleeping with him?" spat Elijah, Miles grabbed Elijah by his collar and pushed him against the wall forcefully.

"I wasn't done beating your face into the sidewalk the other day, now I can finish." said Miles in such rage. Elijah still had hold of Emilia's arm as she flinched in pain. "You let her go."

"What if I don't." said Elijah pushing Miles back, he grabbed Emilia as she tried to push back.

"I'm sure if you go missing they won't track it back to me." said Miles as he looked at Emilia's arm.

"Merlin, Elijah just let me go!" said Emilia as Elijah pushed her against the wall forcefully.

"You're such a fucking slut! Fucking him already? Do you not have self dignity, here I was coming to forgive you." said Elijah as Emilia squirmed in his grasp. Miles pushed him off of her as she moved away.

"You won't ever touch her again." spat Miles, Emilia pulled her wand out as he looked at her. Miles glanced at her as her hand shook.

"Elijah just leave.. don't you understand I don't want to be with you anymore! I don't want your forgiveness, I didn't anything wrong!" said Emilia, her hand still shaking. Elijah slammed the door closed as he walked in, Miles stopping him.

"I nutted in you! You can't leave me! You're going to have my child." said Elijah as Miles look taken back as Emilia made a face. "You still want her? Huh?"

Miles punched him in his face as Emilia ran her hands through her hair and took a deep breathe, she hit Elijah with a spell. She opened the door and levitated him out, locking the door. "Are you-" said Miles looking at her.

"No! He's an idiot, I don't know why you opened the door Miles. You really think I would have a child with him?" said Emilia as she walked up the stairs, Miles following quickly behind her. "Pregnant? Please."

"You're moving back to London." said Miles following her into her room, she turned around and looked at him as she sighed and got back into her covers. "I don't want to hear it, you're coming back.

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