66- Joseph Anderson

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Y/n was stressing over the fact she needed to find new players, it wasn't much help that the Professors started piling homework on them and Harry's D.A meetings. She was sitting in the library, away from all the noise trying to finish her homework when a handsome boy came up to her. "What are you doing here all lonely?" said Joseph as Y/n looked up at him.

"Ive been trying to finish all my work, I have a 12 inch essay on Emeric the Evil, another one in Potions and I have some weird thing for Herbology." said Y/n as Joseph chuckled and sat down next to her. "Not to mention, I need to find new bloody players."

  "How about you take a break? Maybe let's go take a walk or something." said Joseph, Y/n looked at him and sighed as she looked back down at her work.

"I would but I have so much work to do." said Y/n as Joseph gave her a look, he took her quil and closed her ink bottle as she looked at him.

"Come on, you're taking a walk with me." said Joseph as Y/n rolled her eye and smiled, she placed her things in her bag and got up as her and Joseph walked out the library. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder as they walked outside. "Look, what a nice day to be outside."

"If you say so." said Y/n laughing, little did Y/n know Adrian, Emilia and Miles were coming back from the forest as he spotted Y/n and Joseph sitting by the black lake.

"Are you cold?" said Joseph

"No, are you?" said Y/n as Joseph chuckled and nodded.

"I thought it was such a nice day." said Y/n as she laughed. Joseph smiled and lean back as they looked at the water.

"It is, the sun is out and bright, there's no cloud in the sky and you make the view better." said Joseph smiling as Y/n looked at him and bursted into laugher. "What? Wasn't that a good pick up?"

"Oh yeah totally." said Y/n sarcastically, her and Joseph started laughing as they seen Adrian, Miles and Emilia pass by in front of them.

"You three coming back from the forest huh." said Joseph, Y/n looked up as her smile faded seeing Adrian's stern face. Emilia and Miles painfully hating that this was the only way back up to the castle.

"Yes and what are you two doing?" asked Emilia smiling, eyes red and low. Y/n looked at Miles who was giving her a face.

"Oh you know just on a evening date." said Joseph as he grinned. Emilia raised her eyebrows as Y/n turned to look at Joseph surprised. Adrian's eye twitched as he stopped walking.

"Oh! Well that's nice! How lovely." said Emilia grabbing Adrian by his robe and pulling him. His breathing got heavier as Joseph grinned. Miles walked up closer to Joseph and Y/n as she looked at him strangely.

"And you said I had bad taste Y/n/n." said Miles messing up her hair. She chuckled and moved his hand as he shook his head and caught up with Emilia and Adrian.

"Hope you didn't mind I said that, I was just trying to get Adrian away faster." said Joseph as Y/n looked at him and chuckled.

"No it's fine." said Y/n smiling, she looked past Joseph to see Adrian turning back to look at her as she turned away.

"That's still pretty cool that you're still friends with Emilia and Miles. When.. when her and Cedric were together she'll always talk about how good of a friend you are. She's never had an actual real female friend."

"Yeah well.. we aren't that close anymore, sadly. Of course when we see each other in lessons or in the halls we'll talk to each other but it's not like before." said Y/n looking at the lake. Joseph looked at her admiring her beautiful.

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