35- The First Task

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   Y/n woke up to the sound of banging at the door, she didn't even bother to open it until Angelina finally got up, The twins, Adrian and Miles came bursting through the door. Y/n lifted her head to see them staring around her bed as she covered her head.

   "Wake up love! Let's go get breakfast and head to Hogsmaede. Wake up." said Adrian as he shook her. For some reason the boys were always awake and full of energy in the morning.

  "Do you boys know what time it is? You have three hours until Hogsmaede?" said Autumn from her bed, covering her head. Y/n lifted her head and looked at Adrian who chuckled seeing her with her bed hair.

  "Good morning beautiful." said Adrian kissing Y/n head. She rolled her eyes as Miles and the twins chuckled. Alicia threw a pillow at Miles and the twins when he turned around and smirked at her causing her to blush.

   "Wake me up in a hour, go bother Emilia for the time being." said Y/n laying her head back down on her pillow. The boys chuckled as Y/n looked back up at them.

   "We already did.. she threaten to hex us..and then when we didn't leave she used Titillando on us, it still hurts." said Fred holding his stomach, Y/n rolled her eyes and finally got up.

   "Great! Meet me in my dorm yeah?" said Adrian kissing the girls cheek and getting up from the bed. Y/n gave him a look as he smirked and walked out with the boys. She got up and went into the bathroom, changed, and freshened up. She made her way down to the painting, jumping through it and walking the long tunnel that leads to the Slytherin common room. She walked into Adrian dorm to see him changing.

  Adrian looked at her walk in as she closed the door, seeing that it was just the two of them. "Where are the others?" said Y/n as Adrian didn't bother to put his shirt on.

   "Fred and George went with Emilia to breakfast I think and Miles said he had to go do something, so he's probably fucking someone." said Adrian as Y/n laughed. Adrian grinned at the girl as she placed her hands on his jaw, pulling him into a kiss. He wrapped his hands around her waist as she pinned him down on his bed. Adrian moved his hands down to her hips as their kiss became passionate and their breathing was heavy.

   Adrian pulled off Y/n's pants and moved his hands down to her underwear taking them off, feeling her wetness. She unbuttoned his pants, pulling them down as Adrain sat up pulling Y/n on top of him. Her hips moving as they struggled to keep their kiss going, Adrian pulled the girl off him as they switched places, Y/n scratching his back, holding in her moans. Adrian slowed down and pulled out, teasing her.

   "Adrian are you done changing?! Can you open the door." said Miles from outside of the door, Adrian groaned and ignored him as he started kissing Y/n neck as the knocking continued. "Adrian open the door, tell Y/n to put on clothes!"

   "Fucking Miles." said the both of them, Adrian pulled out and pulled his pants back up as he waited until Y/n was fully clothed to open the door. Miles came bursting through the room, his hair was messed up and he had hickeys on his neck.

   "Who did you fuck today Miles?" said Y/n sarcastically as Miles looked up at her and made a face. He looked angry and turned back to Adrian.

   "What is that stupid potion that gets rid of bruises? I cant believe she did this." said Miles looking through his trunk. Adrian and Y/n looked at each other and raised their eyebrows. "Sorry I interrupted but I had to get away from there, I'm never fucking Charlotte again. She's bloody mad, telling me we should get back together. What is Emilia going to say when she see these, ugh!"

   "Emilia isn't going to care Miles, why don't you just get back with Charlotte? You two of perfect for each other." said Y/n as Miles looked up and rolled his eyes. Adrian walked in to the bathroom and handed him a small bottle of cream that removed bruises.

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