02- New York City

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This who chapter is a TW! It may be sensitive to some readers.

Y/n apparated to Hayden's house where Miles, Adrian and Graham sat on my couch while Emilia sat far away from them, on the phone. "Who is she talking too?" asked Y/n as Adrian got up to kiss her cheek.

"Who cares." said Adrian as Y/n gave him a look.

"Someone who she works with." said Miles as Y/n nodded while Adrian pulled her on him, Emilia came back to them and cracked a smile.

"Ready?" asked Emilia as Y/n smiled and nodded, they watched Emilia turn a broom into a portkey. "I'm sure they can find a new broom."

"Oh yeah." said Y/n with a laugh, the five of them grabbed onto the broom as they quickly landed on the main floor of the Morales house in New York. "Ow."

"Oh hey it still looks like the home videos we were looking at." said Miles as he turned to Emilia who cracked a small smile.

"Yeah.. not much has changed. Probably just the rooms." said Emilia as she seen the house elf's peaking their heads from the corner of a room. "I'm home, are you all not going to come and say hi?"

"Master Emilia!" said another house elf coming down the stairs. "You brought friends! No master Nick or Hayden?"

"No, maybe they'll come and visit soon." said Emilia as Y/n looked out the window to the big city. "Anyways, this is Y/n L/n, Graham Montague-

"Miles Bletchley and Adrian Pucey." said another house elf as Emilia nodded and smiled. "Master Emilia use to tell us about you four all the time!"

"Did she really?" asked Y/n turning around and smiling at Emilia who cracked a smile.

"Oh yes miss! She would tell us all good things!" said the house elf, Miles and Adrian glanced at each other as Graham wrapped his arm around Emilia shoulder causing Miles to make a face.

"You didn't visit us though?" said Graham as Emilia looked at him, Y/n glanced at Miles as there was a knock on the door.

"Master was very busy, she barely was home and when she was... sir Elijah would-"

"That's enough." said Emilia as she looked at the house elf, walking towards the door. She opened it to see her assistant. "Oh! Is there something?"

"Yes, well I kind of was worried when you said that you weren't going into work for another three weeks." said Lauren as Emilia made a face. "And Elijah said you two broke up before you left?"

"Oh yeah, we'll uh yeah i'm not going. I let Marcel and Louis know and they said they didn't need me there anyways." said Emilia as Adrian made a face.

"Well.. I very much need you there. If you come with me for just a second and I won't bother you for the rest of your vacation." said Lauren as Emilia turned around to look at Y/n and the others.

"Don't worry about it E, i'm sure we'll be fine without you for an hour." said Y/n as Graham agreed.

"Ok! Well Waltres! Can you show them up to a room and i'll be quick alright! Like really, really fast." said Emilia as she got pulled out of the house, Y/n chuckled as the door closed.

"Please follow me!" said the house elf, they went up the stairs and got shown into their own rooms. "Master Emilia use to tell me all about your friendships, she was very sad to leave you guys. The night she returned she was in her room and we all heard her crying."

"Wally! You're not suppose to tell people that!" said another house elf coming out of a room, he jumped and covered his mouth.

"Oh pardon me! I'm just so excited to see master Emilia has her favorite people with her!" said the house elf, Y/n gave Adrian a look as he turned away from her.

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