44- Miles' Reason

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"Adrian isn't going to be so pleased Y/n, I don't know what the hell Alder was thinking." said Miles as he said the password to the Slytherin entrance. Y/n rubbed her wrist as they stung in pain as she followed Miles up to the dorms.

"Yeah well I'm not too pleased myself." said Y/n as Miles turn to look at her. She held her waist as they walked into boys dorm to see Adrian and Graham talking.

  "Oh hey! I was actually going to go look for you. It's like you read my mind." said Adrian as he stood up to kiss his girlfriend. Miles gave Y/n a look as he sat down on his bed. "Whats the matter?"

  "Oh nothing.." said Y/n.

  "Y/n." said Miles.

  "Whats going on?" said Adrian looking from Miles to Y/n.

  "Alder was forcing her against a wall and telling her all types of bullshit." said Miles as Y/n face palmed and Adrian's head tilted. "Look at her wrist."

"Bloody hell Miles! You couldn't let me fucking tell him?" said Y/n as Adrian stood there in shock.

"You weren't going too." said Miles as Adrian gently grabbed her hand and saw the bruises and nail marks that bleed. Adrian dropped her arm and looked over at Miles who was staring at him.

"Are you ok?" asked Adrian calmly. Y/n nodded her head as Graham looked at Miles surprised.

"What did he tell you Y/n/n?" said Graham as Adrian stepped back. Y/n gave him a look and turned over to Miles.

"I really am fine Adrian. You don't have to do anything.. Miles did that for you." said Y/n as Adrian turned over to Miles who gave him a look.

"I say you go and hex the kid but that's really up to you." said Miles as Y/n shot him a look. Graham rested his chin on his palm and gave Adrian a look. "Wait til she tells you what he told her, go on Y/n/n tell him."

"Miles shut up! Can I talk? Bloody hell." spat Y/n as Miles and Graham both looked surprised. Y/n explained the things Liam was telling her as Adrian filled with anger. Graham narrowed his eyebrows as he looked over at Adrian. "It's not really big deal.. besides him grabbing my wrist painfully."

  Adrian's eye twitched as Graham stood up. "I- Hazel told him all this?" said Adrian as Y/n nodded. Graham shook his head as he walked out of the dorm with Miles. "I hope you know that isn't true! None of it."

  "I know-" said Y/n but was cut off by Adrian.

  "That bloody git, you know that's not true right? There's no way in hell I would be using you, or Emilia or Miles. Didn't he cheat on you! I would never, I would never hurt you. You know that right?" said Adrian as Y/n stopped him.

  "Yes! Relax Adrian." said Y/n as Adrian looked at her. He frowned as he gently pulled her to his bed, grabbing her wrist. Adrian pulled a potion out of his nightstand and grabbed Y/n's wrist.

  "This might hurt a little." said Adrian as Y/n pulled her hands away. He gave her a look and held his hand out. "Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do." said Y/n as she gave him her arms again. Adrian cleaned the marks with a dab of some purple liquid that smoked and stung, but then poked her wrist with his wand, as she felt it heal instantly. "Wow, you really getting there with the healing magic."

  "Does it feel better? Im going to murder him, I just had to heal you first." said Adrian wrapping his fingers in hers. Y/n rolled her eyes and laid her head on his shoulder. "I promise you I would never Y/n..."

  "I know Adrian.." said Y/n placing her hand on his face. Adrian melted into her touch as he pulled her into a hug.


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