03- Times Square

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Y/n woke up the next morning tangled in Adrian's arm's. She got up and made her way downstairs to see Emilia sitting at the table with her head down. "Goodmorning." said Y/n as Emilia lifted her head and turned around to look at her.

"Wouldn't say it's a good morning." said Emilia as Y/n went to go sit down next to her, Emilia handed her a newspaper to see Miles and Elijah on the front cover.

Actor Elijah Ramirez and random fight in front of Model Emilia Morales house! Reporter's say that Emilia referred to the man as "Miles". He attacked Elijah while Emilia tried to separate them. Reporters then say that Elijah shoved Emilia and said "It was all her fault", her neck was covered in bruises, so what really happened last night?

"Oh wow.." said Y/n as she turned to look at Emilia.

"Ive been getting nonstop calls, Marcel called me as well asking what caused Miles to lash out but I wasn't going to tell him what happened.. I just said that Miles and him had an altercation." said Emilia setting her head back down on the table.

"Merlin, well maybe Elijah won't bother you anymore? I still think you should move back to London, E. You aren't running away, you're hurting here more than London." said Y/n setting the paper down, Emilia sighed and looked at the house elves. "And if you're worried about leaving the house elf's take them with you!"

"Do you know Legilimency." said Emilia turning to look at her friend with a smile, Y/n chuckled and narrowed her eyebrows.

"No but I know you." said Y/n as Emilia smiled and sighed.

"I don't think I can go back.. my parents are going to say they told me so and I really don't want to hear it. You know how they so claimed to care about me before I was leaving, yeah they haven't visited once. They told me I was going to regret moving back over here and I don't want to hear it." said Emilia as she seen Graham come down the stairs, shirtless.

Y/n turned around and looked at him as she quickly turned back to Emilia as they started giggling. "Whats so funny this early?" said Graham stretching.

"Graham! Help me convince Emilia to move back to London!" said Y/n as Graham sat down next to them, Emilia rolled her eyes and cracked a smile.

"You should move back Emilia, move away from that git." said Graham as Emilia turned to look at Y/n, Graham looked down at the paper and rose his eyebrows. "Blimey."

"Go put a shirt on before Adrian wakes up and yells at you." said Emilia with a laugh taking the paper from his hand.

"Oh yeah, he does get jealous, doesn't he. Y/n doesn't know how to kept her eyes to herself." said Graham joking as he got up.

"Oh yeah ha ha you're so funny, Graham." said Y/n as she laughed, Adrian was coming down the stairs as Emilia snorted.

"Oh no it's to late!" said Emilia as they laughed, Adrian made a face and turned to look at a shirtless Graham and made face.

"Why don't you have a shirt on?" said Adrian as he walked over to Y/n and covered her eyes, Graham rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"She was already got a good look." said Graham as Emilia and Y/n chuckled, Adrian rolled his eyes and let go on Y/n as he kissed her on the cheek.

"I still think you're better looking." said Y/n as Emilia and Graham looked at each other and made throwing up noises as Adrian cracked a smile. "Oh stop it you two."

"Who am I kidding, I missed Y/n and Adrian. Now Adrian won't be such an asshole." said Emilia as Adrian gave her a look.

"Don't think i'm happy with you, I'm still mad about yesterday E." said Adrian as Emilia looked down and sighed.

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