48- Rita's Scoop

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"You've been stealing all my clothes love." said Adrian as Y/n threw on his jumper. She laughed and rolled her eyes as he got up from his bed.

"I mean you can steal some of my clothes too if you want. I won't mind." said Y/n as Adrian rolled his eyes and laughed, pulling her into a hug. Miles walked into the door with Charlotte as they pulled away to look at them.

"Are you guys ready to leave yet?" said Miles as Y/n and Adrian nodded. "What about your friends?" Referring to Cedric and Emilia, Adrian rolled his eyes and looked over at Y/n.

"Well why don't we go look." said Y/n as she rolled her eyes. Charlotte looked over at Miles giving him a face as they walked out of the dorm and into Emilia's. Cedric was laying on her bed admiring his girlfriend as she got ready. "Ready?"

"Of course." said Emilia standing up, Cedric got up with her as he grabbed her hand. They met up with the twins as they made their way down to Hogsmaede. Wherever Y/n went she had her polaroid camera, snapping pictures of her friends and everyone.

"Butterbeer? It's on me." said Cedric as they made their way into The Three Broomstick. Adrian had started getting along with Cedric better and Miles didn't really seem to care, he's focus was on Charlotte. Y/n and Emilia had gotten use to the girl and didn't really mind her around anymore.

"Ohh look at the happy couple!!" said Rita Skeeter as a flash of light hit Emilia and Cedric eyes causing them to blink hard and looked at each other. "I'm sure everyone will be glad to see that you two figured out your problems." Cedric pulled Emilia away from her before she said something rude.

"Well at least she'll get something right now." said Y/n laughing as they sat in a big table. Emilia gave her a look as Adrian chuckled.

"I still don't like her, you seen what she's writing about Hagrid, he didn't come out of his hut for weeks." said Emilia as Charlotte made a noise making everyone turn to look at her.

"He's half giant, he can be dangerous-" said Charlotte but was quickly cut off by Y/n.

"When the fuck has Hagrid ever been dangerous, maybe he's animals but not him! Please don't believe everything you read." spat Y/n as Miles turned to look at her surprised from her rudeness. Emilia and Cedric looked at each other and held back their smile as Adrian chuckled a bit.

"I- i'm just saying Y/n, you have been in History of Magic havent you? That's all Professor Binns talks about, the giant wars." said Charlotte as Y/n rested her chin on her hand and glared at the girl.

"Charlotte just stop.." said Adrian as Miles sighed. Emilia and Cedric definitely trying harder to hold their laughs back as Charlotte made a face.

"Oh this is going to get messy." said Fred as he whispered over to Cedric and Emilia. George slipped a laugh getting a look from Charlotte.

"No offense or anything but has Hagrid ever tried to kill you hmm? Because last time I checked, it's in a giants nature to kill and not once has Hagrid tried biting your head off i'm sure of that." said Y/n in a rude tone, Charlotte looked taken back as the others looked away awkwardly.

"Emilia and I are going to go to Tomes and Scrolls, do you care to join us?" said Cedric as the both of them got up, Y/n agreed as Miles and Charlotte looked at each other.

"We'll see you guys later yeah?" Miles told Adrian as he nodded and got up. Fred and George looked at each other when they got a glimpse of Angelina and Autumn.

  "Actually.. do you think itll be fine if we catch you all later as well?" said George as he looked over at Autumn. Emilia turned around and grinned at him as he chuckled.

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