46- To Much To Explian

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"He did what?!" said Emilia as Y/n explained to her what she missed the night before. Y/n nodded her head as Emilia's mouth dropped. "And what did Graham say?"

"Well he kept denying it but Miles was really angry E, Graham was telling him some pretty serious stuff as well, I don't think Adrian even know all that." said Y/n as Emilia walked back and forth in her still wet heavy robes. There was a knock on the door, Y/n opened it to see Professor McGonagall.

"Oh girls good you're together, your father wants to speak to you Morales and you as well L/n." said Mcgonagall as the girls looked at each other. Emilia was still drenched in water as she looked down at her clothes.

"Professor do you know why?" said Emilia as Mcgonagall looked at her. Y/n bite back her laugh as they walked out of the tower to see Diego Morales with Nick, Cedric, Adrian and Miles. "Never mind I think i'm going to go back."

  "Oh come on E, let's see why their together." said Y/n as Emilia rolled her eyes. They walked into an empty classroom, all looking at each other awkwardly.

  "I'm fine with you and Cedric being back together." said Diego Morales bluntly. Y/n looked at Adrian and turned back to look at Emilia who was just as surprised.

"What?" said Miles annoyingly.

  "Yeah Huh?!" said Adrian.

"We aren't back together though sir.." said Cedric as he turned to look at Emilia. Nick narrowed his eyebrows and turned to look at Cedric.

  "Well get back together, go on Cedric ask her out." said Nick as Diego nodded. Y/n bursted into laugher as Miles mouth dropped.

"Cedric you don't have too-" said Emilia as her father grabbed hers and Cedrics shoulder. Adrian turned to look over at Y/n who was in tears of laugher.

  "It's fine Emilia, that's why I brought the boys in too because if Cedric ever decides to pull what he did back then, Adrian and Miles will handle that won't you? Plus you two have grown up- Y/n please." said Diego smiling at Y/n who was still laughing.

"I'm sorry but you pulled Professor McGonagall to get us for this! It's just to funny, i'm sorry Mr. Morales." said Y/n holding her stomach. Cedric and Emilia looked at each other awkwardly.

  "Like I was saying.. you two were only fifteen, i'm sure you'll give him another change mija. I know the only reason you haven't taken him back was because you didn't want to disappoint us plus if he makes you happy then.. that's what matters." said Mr. Morales as Emilia ran her fingers through her hair. Cedric smiled at her as she looked at Miles. "Go on Cedric, ask her out."

  "Really?!" said Cedric as Mr. Morales nodded. Emilia looked around to hear Y/n still laughing, Adrian rather surprised and Miles furious.

  "Whatever happened to you wanting me to focus on school?! Didn't you tell me to stay away from him?" said Emilia as Diego Morales gave her a look and smiled. Emilia finding it weird since he never worried about her life unless it was for school.

  "Well that was before he saved you from the water." said Nick as Diego nodded. Y/n caught her breathe and looked up at her friends as she wiped a tear from her face. "Well go on Cedric or do you not wish to have my sister back?"

"This is so embarrassing." said Emilia.

  "I- Of course I do but that's if she wants too. We've talked about us multiple times and-" said Cedric getting cut off by Miles.

  "She is not going to date you again." spat Miles as Diego and Nick turned to look at him.

  "And why not??" said Diego as Miles looked over at Emilia who was looking away.

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