15- Hospital Wing

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   "Look at them, they look so happy. Ive never seen Ade like that." said Emilia as her and Miles sat behind Y/n and Adrian in defense against the dark arts. Miles looked back at Emilia, then back at Adrian and Y/n who were talking. Adrian was leaned back against his chair listening to what Y/n was saying with a giant smile on his face.

   "Yeah I've been to busy feeling Graham staring at us for the past twenty minutes." whispered Miles causing Emilia to look to her side and see Graham staring at them. Emilia turned back to Miles and gave him a 'Oh no' look.

  "Graham why the hell are you staring at them like that." said Adrian as he tilted his head looking to the side of him. Y/n looked back at Graham as well and looked up at Emilia who was giving him a death stare.

"Oh no, it just hit me that Emilia is really the only American here." said Graham as Miles face palmed. Adrian shrugged and placed attention but on Y/n but she was focused on Emilia and by the look of her face she knew that Graham must have figured out about Miles and E. Grahams attention landed on Y/n who looked as if her and Emilia were talking mentally. "You knew didn't you!" said Graham as Y/n kept her eyes on Emilia trying to think of something to say. Miles shot Graham a look as Adrian looked at him stupidly.

"I'm sure it's quite obvious isn't it Graham?." said Adrian looking at his friend stupidly and returning to look at at Y/n who went back at looking at him. Fred and George looked at Graham as if he was stupid and looked back at each other as they talked secretly with each other.

"Right um, so back to what I was saying." said Y/n looking back at Emilia and Miles who were beet-red in the face. Adrian, oblivious as to what was really going on and Graham still looking at the two. "Oliver has been working us over time for practice, he really is going to be the death of me and we don't even play this Match."

"Ah right because WE go against Hufflepuff, easy win." said Miles joining their conversation. Adrian turned around and grinned, he liked that Miles and Emilia got along so well with Y/n.

"Wouldn't say that, even if you don't like to admit it, Cedric is a good seeker, and we have Draco.." said Adrian as Miles rolled his eyes hearing Cedrics name. Emilia looked up for a second and then focused her attention back to her work.

"Hufflepuff is pretty good but I'm sure with Emilia's strategies, you are sure to win. If we're honest we all know Slytherin is only good because you guys have her." said Y/n causing Emilia to chuckle. Adrian grinned at the girl in front of him and looked her up and down, causing her to get a shock of electricity though her body.

"I am good aren't I." said Emilia flipping her hair. Y/n chuckled, Adrian went back to getting her attention as Miles and Emilia went into a their own conversation, getting a few looks from Graham.


   Y/n woke up too knocking on her door, she looked at her watch and looked up at the girls still sleeping or covering their head from the noise. She dragged herself out of bed and walked over to the door, rubbing her eyes and opened the door to see her two best friends who looked overly excited staring back at her.

   "What on earth do you two need this early in the morning? It's seven in the morning.. on a SATURDAY." said Y/n staring at the boys in front of her who were smiling, Y/n was half asleep not really paying attention to what they were saying until she heard Adrian's name. "Wait what?"

  "Quidditch Match! Come on wake up, get dressed and let's go get breakfast, so you can tell your Adrian good luck." said Fred with a grin on his face. George looked over at his brother and rolled his eyes.

   "More like he just wants to see Emilia tell the boys what to do, but yeah get ready. Well meet you in the common room." said George as Y/n closed the door and looked at her warm comfortable bed. She grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth, and her h/l hair. She threw on her outfit and walked down the stairs to meet the boys who were on the couch talking.

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