54- Lucas' Day Out

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"So is it fine that I take Lucas with me? Emilia had promised him a day with all of us and now he doesn't shut up about it." Y/n told her parents as they looked up at her from their papers. Lucas eagerly shifting in his seat waiting for his parents answers.

"Well I suppose.. what do you plan on doing?" said Y/m/n as Y/n looked over at her mother. Y/n was still rather upset with her parents for not telling her whats been going on or what they've been up too.

"I'm not sure, whatever Lucas whats to do I guess. They just said if you guys say yes then to do it today." said Y/n with an attitude as her parents looked at her.

"Y/n, I need you to lose your attitude." said Y/f/n as he rested his chin on his palm. Y/n glared at the both of them as Y/m/n sighed and turned to look at Lucas.

"I don't want him home so late Y/n." said Y/m/n as she nodded and looked over at Lucas who was smiling ear to ear.

  "Alright well excuse me for now." said Y/n storming up to her room. Lucas narrowed his eyebrows as their parents looked at each other and sighed.


  "So we're just going to hang out with Lucas today?" said Adrian as him and Emilia ate breakfast. Nick and Hayden weren't nowhere to be seen as always.

"Well yeah, he seems to like hanging out with you and Miles for some odd reason. So I just said why not spend a day with him, plus I love children." said Emilia as Adrian raised his eyebrows.

"You aren't going to Cedric's grave today?" asked Adrian as Emilia looked down at her food and shrugged. Adrian narrowed his eyebrows as she looked back up at him.

  "I- I don't know, probably not." said Emilia as Adrian nodded and looked back down at his food. "Has your mom sent you any letters?"

  "Yeah, she keeps asking me where i'm at but I don't want to tell her, she also said that supposedly my father isn't out being a death eater but I really doubt that." said Adrian running his fingers through his hair. Emilia looked up at him and narrowed her eyebrows.

  "Do you remember how.. what is was like when you know who was in power?" said Emilia as Adrian looked at her and rested his chin on his hand.

"Not really, I was only four. Only thing I really do remember is that Gianna was a baby and my father would come back and forth and my mum would be begging him to stop leaving." said Adrian as Emilia looked down.

"His crimes traveled far, I remember hearing about his fall back in new york and how Harry survived the killing curse..." said Emilia as Adrian crossed his arms and sat back.

"Emilia do you know how bad this is... and the Ministry isn't doing anything about it!" said Adrian as Emilia looked away and sighed.

"Haven't I always told you the Ministry.. Congress whatever it is doesn't care about anything!" said Emilia. Adrian sighed and looked down at his watch.

"Well, I'm gonna go shower. Maybe you should do the same, when was the last time you took one." said Adrian as Emilia looked at him annoyed. "I get you're sad but hygiene E." Emilia glared at him and pulled at her wand using 'Rictusempra'. "I was just kidding... hahahaa... Emilia.. hahahaha EMILIA."

"Asshole." said Emilia as Adrian got off from the floor and laughed as she made way to her room and he made his way to his.


"So I heard Emilia woke up in your bed the other day.. what was that all about?" said Mr. Bletchley as Miles choked on his food. Cane gave his brother a look and smirked as Mrs. Bletchley held back a smile.

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