51- Cedric's Funeral

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It's only been three days since they left Hogwarts, Y/n was sitting in the kitchen when a letter came flying through her mail slot, she went to grab it seeing it was from Emilia.

"Dear Y/n,
Cedrics funeral is today.. I was hoping you would come with me please. Miles and Adrian will be there too, I think Graham is going as well. Well yeah.. I was just hoping if you would come.. you don't have too but it would mean a lot if you did. Your parents are welcomed as well... but i'm sure they don't want to be there in such horrible times, it starts at two. Well if you do.. apparate to my house as soon as you can once you get this.
Love Emilia."

"Is that from Emilia?" said Y/m/n as Y/n nodded sadly. She pushed her breakfast aside and got up.

"Today is Cedric's funeral.. I'm gonna go ok? I'll be home later... or I might just stay at E's.. I feel really bad." said Y/n as she placed her plate in the sink and ran up the stairs to change. She placed on a black dress and grabbed her black cloak and her wand as she apparated to E's room. Emilia was in bed as she heard the loud clicking noise. "I would've thought you would be getting ready?"

"I am ready." said Emilia throwing the covers off her to see she was in a black dress. Y/n walked over to her and sat down next to her. "How are you doing?"

"It's getting harder Y/n." said Emilia wiping the tears from her face. "Doesn't help that my parents aren't ever home.. Nicks been staying around but I know he's getting yelled at by my father for not going to work as much."

"Have you been eating?" said Y/n looking around her room to see the trays of food all around her room. Emilia nodded slowly as Y/n looked at her. "I almost forgot.. look what I found." Y/n pulled out a bunch of little picture of Emilia and Cedric from the times they would all hang out. "I thought you would like to have them.."

Emilia sat up as Y/n handed her the pictures, Emilia's covered her face as Y/n pulled her into a hug, feeling her crying softly. "T-Thank you Y/n/n" said Emilia as Adrian and Miles apparated into her room.

They both were dressed in black suits and their cloaks over their heads as they looked at Emilia and Y/n. "Are you ready E?" said Adrian as he made his way over to Y/n to kiss her on the cheek.

"Yeah." said Emilia. Miles went over to her to see the pictures as he looked at them sadly. Nick opened the door to see them all as he looked tired.

"Come on.. we better get a move on." said Nick. Y/n moved off from the bed so that Emilia could get up, she placed on her shoes and grabbed her cloak as the four of them walked out her room, Emilia's parents were dressed in black as well with their cloaks as they made their way to the car.

The car ride was silent, Emilia was holding her tears back as Nick hugged her. Adrian and Y/n were hand to hand as Miles looked at the window. Hayden was playing with his fingers while Diego read the prophet and Ariella was reading the letter from Cedrics funeral. They finally arrived to the graveyard as they stepped out, Emilia quickly found herself talking to Mrs. Diggory as Adrian, Miles and Y/n found themselves looking at Cedrics body.

Y/n looked down at his hands and seen the ring and bracelet Emilia had got him on. Cedric was dressed in his Quidditch jumper and pants, Y/n thought how he looked asleep. "Horrible isn't it." said Nick walking next to them looking at Cedric. "Poor Emilia.. she doesn't leave her room."

"How could she... seeing her boyfriends dead body.." said Y/n not taking her eyes off Cedric. Adrian grabbed her hand as they went to sit down. Emilia walked up to his body as she looked over at Y/n with such emptiness in her face.

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