88- The Dresses

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Y/n woke up to the sun rising, she turned to see Adrian hugging her in his sleep. He pulled her in tighter as she looked at him sadly. "I'm going to go back to the room, Adrian.. I wouldn't want Hayden to think.. well you know.. and Miles is in there." whispered Y/n, Adrian groaned and opened his eyes.

"Do you have too?" whispered Adrian back, she chuckled and got up, putting her clothes on quickly. Adrian watched her put his shirt on and sat up. "That's my shirt Y/n."

"Is it?" asked Y/n as she smiled and walked out the door. He grinned and laid back smiling. Y/n was quickly making her way to the room to see a shirtless Miles coming out. They stared at each other as he started laughing.

"You got fucked, didn't you." said Miles, Y/n covered her mouth and held back her laughs, he laughed and raised his hand to give her a high-five.

"Seems like you did too." said Y/n as she pointed to the scratches on his back, he winked and went walking back to the boys room. She opened the door to see Emilia sitting up with her hair messed up and the sheets all over the place. "Have a good night?"

Emilia laughed and threw herself back on the bed, Y/n closed the door and sat on her bed. "Merlin I cant even move." said Emilia as Y/n raised her eyebrows. "Seems like you had a good one too."

"Always do." said Y/n as she walked over to her bed, Emilia covered her face and started laughing as Y/n joined her. "So you and Miles?"

"So you and Adrian?" said Emilia, Y/n chuckled and tilted her head.

"Uh uh, Adrian and I have been messing with each other, you and Miles haven't. You go first." said Y/n as Emilia laughed.

"Ah well, you see I guess it was just sex." said Emilia as Y/n gave her a look and got back in her bed. "Very good sex."

"Yeah, very good sex." said Y/n as she laid in bed, the both of the giggling when Hayden came opening the door.

"Oh you guys are awake! You guys sleep a bit crazy, don't you?" said Hayden as he walked out of the door. "Oh by the way Eloise is making breakfast."

"We'll be down in the bit." said Emilia as she looked over at Y/n who was giggling. Hayden closed the door as the two girls bursted into laugher. "Is that Adrian's shirt?"

"Maybe, isn't that Miles?" said Y/n as she got back up, Emilia smiled as she sat up. "I think his clothes look better on me anyways."

"So when are you two getting back together?" asked Emilia as Y/n looked at her and sighed. Emilia turned back and look at her. "You still don't want to get back together with him? Just by the way you talk about him makes it seem like you guys are back together."

"Are you back with Miles?" said Y/n watching Emilia get up, she turned to look at her and made a face. "Ahh see."

"That's different, i'm leaving. You're not." said Emilia as Y/n sighed. "Fine fine, I won't say anything ."

Y/n rolled her eyes and smiled as Emilia threw a pillow at her, they got up and made their way downstairs to see the boys. "Morning." said Miles with a smile. Emilia turned to Y/n and chuckled as Adrian turned around and smiled.

"Good morning." said Adrian as the girls went to sit down next to them. Adrian gave Y/n a smile as she returned it.

"It is a good morning, isn't it." said Emilia as Miles looked at her and smiled, Hayden came out another room with Eloise and Nick.

"Good you're all down here! Zlept well yes? You got bed head Emilia." said Eloise as Miles held back his smile. Adrian and Y/n looked at her and chuckled.

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