39- Will you be my Date?

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  "Don't stop...." moaned Emilia as Graham slowed down his pace. The both of them breathing heavy as he grinned and started kissing her. There was a knock on the door that made the both of them groan.

  "Emilia! Can I talk to you??!" said Miles outside of the door. Graham shot up and grabbed his clothes, giving Emilia a look as she groaned and laid back down on the bed. She quickly placed on her shorts and opened the door.

  "What?" said Emilia as Miles stood at the doorway. He looked inside the dorm and went back to looking at her. "It's late Miles what do you want?" Miles walked in the dorm, closing the door as Emilia looked at him.

  "I don't want you to go to the ball with Ephraim. Cant you just come with me, we can have fun together?" said Miles as Emilia rolled her eyes. She was growing tired of Miles, and he was noticing. Graham on the other side was in the bathroom holding back his laughs.

  "Cant we talk about this is the morning? I'm trying to sleep Miles." said Emilia as Miles grabbed her face. She stared at him surprised trying to hold her laugh back.

  "Are you having trouble sleeping? I can stay in here until you fall asleep?" said Miles as Emilia moved his hands away and gave him a look. He sighed and looked away. "Well, Can I stay in here because i'm bored. Adrian snuck out to go see Y/n, and I don't know where Graham is."

  "Well sadly Victoria isn't in here to keep you company, so i'm declining you on this one. Goodnight Miles." said Emilia as she went to open the door. Miles gave her a face and sighed.

  "Goodnight E, I love- Goodnight." said Miles quickly walking out the door. Emilia watched him walk out, closed the door, locking it when she walked into the bathroom to see Graham staring at her.

  "I didn't think he was still in love with you?" said Graham as Emilia closed the bathroom door and rolled her eyes. She took off her shirt and turned on the water.

  "Care to join me?" said Emilia grinning as Graham smirked and took off his shirt, grabbing the girl into a kiss.


  The group was in potions working on some type of Antidote for poison. "So who have you guys asked to the ball?" said Adrian as Fred and George looked up from their cauldron. Y/n and Emilia were to busy focusing on their potion to care about the boys responds.

  "Well, I ask Autumn to go with me.. as friends." said George as Y/n grinned, putting stuff in her potion and mixing it. Adrian smirked at George and turned to look at Fred.

  "Well since SOMEONE didn't let me ask the person I wanted too, I asked Angelina to go with me as friends as well." said Fred as Miles looked up at Fred. Adrian and Y/n chuckled as she looked up.

  "She would've still said no if you asked her." said Y/n causing Emilia to look up, confused. George bursted into laugher with Adrian.

  "I'm sure whoever it was, she would've said yes, Freddie. Don't let them bully you." said Emilia looking back down at the potion. Everyone looked at her as she looked back up. "What?"

  "I was going to ask you, you would've said yes?" said Fred. Emilia turned to look at Y/n, then quickly looked back down at her potion. "Well?!"

   "Sorry Freddie." said Emilia.

  "I told you!" said Y/n bursting into laugher. Fred's jaw dropped as the others held back their laughs. "How about you Miles? Have you asked anyone. I'm guessing Charlotte?"

  "Y/n, i'm going to respectfully ask you to shut up." said Miles as Adrian gave him a look, Y/n bursted into laugher. "But no actually, some Beauxbaton girls asked Graham and I."

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