75- Paris

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Y/n had woken up and looked around, she got up to see it was barely one in the morning. For some reason her brain was telling her body to go to Adrian's room. She walked in to see Graham, Miles and Adrian talking. "Oh sorry.." said Y/n as Graham and Miles looked at each other and got up.

"Oh no worries Y/n/n, Graham and I were just leaving weren't we, Graham?" said Miles as Adrian gave them a smile.

"We were!" said Graham, Miles and him quickly walked out the door and pushed Y/n in, closing the door behind them.

"Did we wake you up?" said Adrian as he looked at her, she sat down on the end of his bed and shook her head no. "You know you and Emilia got really drunk, you should be asleep."

"Yeah I don't really remember much besides Emilia and I talking about Graham and Miles. Did you three not drink?" said Y/n as Adrian chuckled and looked at her.

"Not like you two did." said Adrian, Y/n grabbed her head and groaned feeling a horrible headache. Adrian smiled as he looked at her. "Are you feeling bad?"

"I feel like I got hit in the head with a bat." said Y/n, Adrian moved closer to her and rested her head on his chest.

"You should be asleep." said Adrian as Y/n felt her heart jump. "You know your mum called you, Miles answer it, she was pretty drunk herself."

"Really?" said Y/n as Adrian laughed and nodded his head. "Did she ask about me?"

"Not really, she just asked why Miles had your phone and then she asked if I had gotten back with you." said Adrian as Y/n looked at him.

"Oh!" said Y/n as Adrian chuckled, he sat back in his bed as Y/n looked at him. She got up and rubbed her head as Adrian looked at her.

"If you want you can stay here for a bit.. you don't have to leave.." said Adrian as Y/n turned around to look at him. He gave her a smile as she chuckled and jumped on his bed sitting down next to him.

Adrian rested Y/n's head on his chest as he played with her hair, she hugged him tighter as he looked down at her.


Emilia woke up feeling tipsy, she looked at her bed to see no boys and sighed in relief. She heard talking when she opened the door and seen Graham's bedroom door open. She walked in to see Miles and Graham talking. "Well hello." said Miles smiling.

"Sleep well?" said Graham as Emilia looked at her watch to see if only one in the morning, she remembered from last night and grinned at her plan. "Whats so funny?"

Emilia closed the door as Graham and Miles looked at her surprised. "Oh nothing." said Emilia as she walked over to Graham.

"Why do you have that smile then?" said Miles, Emilia got on top of Graham as he looked at her surprised, Miles made a face as she pulled him in by his shirt. "Blimey!"

"Let's actually doing something i'll remember." said Emilia as Graham and Miles looked at each other and raised their eyebrows.

"I- Emilia.. I- Uh." said Graham as he turned to Miles who was still being pulled in by his shirt. Emilia pulled her shirt off as Miles and Graham looked away. "Emilia."

"Blimey E, put your shirt back on and get off Graham." said Miles, Emilia grinned as the boys looked at her.

"Do you guys want to watch a- what the fuck." said Adrian as he opened the door, Y/n covered her mouth as Graham and Miles turned red. "You know what.. I don't even want to know, come on Y/n.."

"Oh come on, why don't we have some fun like the other night? So I can at least remember going to Paris." said Emilia as she pulled Miles closer and biting his lip. Graham looked at her as she smiled evilly with only a bra on, she was sitting on his dick as he looked away. "Oh come on, let's have some fun."

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