9- Adrian's feelings

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(Finn Grant^ yall this man is beautiful 😩🤚🏼)

Miles and Emilia haven't spoken to each other in a full week after their fight and Adrian was growing tired of it. He would find any chance he could to speak with Y/n and the twins instead of being with his bestfriends. It was a Hogsmaedes trip, when him and Miles walked down to Emilia's dorm, opening the door to see Cedric on Emilia's bed, reading a book but no Emilia.

"What the bloody hell are you doing in here?" spat Miles as Cedric lowered his book and gave Miles a confused look. "Well?!"

"Well I was actually looking for Emilia, but Aria said she hasn't been in since last night but I said i'll wait for her here." said Cedric as Adrian and Miles looked at each other and dragged him out the room and slammed the door on him. "Hey!!"

"Shut up and leave! We told you not to step foot near her! Now if you still want all your shiny teeth get lost!" spat Miles from behind the door, as Adrian opened the door to the bathroom to find Emilia sitting on the sink.


"Y/n! Y/n! Hey!" said a voice that made George and Fred quickly turn around. Finn Grant came running down the hall. He was a handsome Gryffindor boy, who was in her year, who had brown eyes and shiny white teeth and a beautiful smile, who also was a Gryffindor prefect. Fred and George didn't really like the boy, he reminded them of their brother Percy.

   "Oh hey? Whats up?" said Y/n as she seen her Slytherin friends coming down from behind Finn. Finn turned a shade of red and smiled at the Y/n.

  "Well.. I heard you and Liam broke up not so long ago and well it's a Hogsmaede trip today, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out." said Finn as Fred and George laughed, getting a stare from Finn.

   "Sorry pal, but Y/n is actually spending the day with us." said Adrian from behind the boy. Finn turned around and looked at Adrian up and down. Adrian's was taller then the boy causing him to look up at him a bit. Adrian then walked over to Y/n and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Unless Y/n, you'll rather spend it with him?"

   "Sorry Finn, I did say I was going to hang out with them.." said Y/n as she watched him eye Adrian. Emilia and Miles gave each other a quick glance but returned to hating each other.

   "Well you heard the lady, run along now." said Adrian as Miles and the twins bursted out laughing. Emilia gave Adrian a look, as she pulled Y/n away from him. Watching the Gryffindor boy turn red and walk off.

   "He's cute Y/n, I say next time you go to Hogsmaede with him. He seems really sweet too." said Emilia as she and Y/n walked along the pathway. Adrian gave Emilia a look when Fred and George started laughing.

   "He's not "sweet". He's a so full of himself. He's been with a plenty of girls too. Trust me, he's not what he seems. He's a complete git." said George as Emilia turned to look at Miles.

  "I know a few people like that, he can be as bad at them though." said Emilia causing Miles to roll his eyes. Y/n gave a small laugh, agreeing with the twins.

   "He's cute and all, but his personality is horrible. You think Miles is bad? Finn's worse." said Y/n grinning, getting a look from Miles and a laugh from Adrian. "Sorry Miles."

   "Are you taking a break from guys after you and Alder? You know me and Adrian see him all the time at our prefect meetings. He kinda just stares at us, I wonder if he him and Averys are still together, haven't really seen them around." said Emilia as Adrian seemed more interested in her answer then what Emilia was saying.

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