3- Strangers

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(Liam Alder^)

   "Most of our classes are with Morales, Pucey and Bletchley, you really jinxed it Y/n, this is all your fault." said George as the three of them walked down the halls. Fred rolled his eyes at his brother, who for some reason couldn't stand the three Slytherins. Y/n on the other had seen to grow fond of Emilia, she thought she was interesting with her style.

   "I don't get why you're in such a prick to Emilia, She literally doesn't do anything to you. You can't even look at her." said Fred, who seem to fancy the Slytherin, he never played much attention to her before but once he got a good look at her, he seemed to developed a small crush.

   "Pucey and Bletchley aren't too bad either, i mean of course Bletchley has his own way of thinking stuff is funny, but Emilia and Pucey they are nice people don't you think?" said Y/n causing George to look at her quickly. George felt that the three Slytherins were unbearable, Morales with her stupid american accent, and her weird hair and style. Pucey who had all the girls crushing over him, and his cocky ways, and Bletchley, the way he talked to people, especially how him and Emilia fought all the time, he could've sworn they hated each other.

   "Y/n love!" said Liam, Y/n boyfriend, he was a Ravenclaw, a year older then her, sweet boy, Prefect, He was an ok looking guy, he was tall and skinny, with green eyes and blonde hair, but to Y/n looks didn't matter, he cared for her and treated her right and that's all that matter to her, and he made her laugh. "Care to join me by the black lake for a picnic?"


"No way that's her boyfriend! He looks like a lizard!" said Miles laughing as him and Emilia turned a corner seeing them together. Emilia tilted her head as if she was confused on what she was looking at. "E, you can not tell me he doesn't look like a lizard, wait until Adrian sees this!"

"I mean he's ok looking.. definitely think Y/n can do better, but it's not always about looks Miles, If he treats her right, that's all that really matters, don't you think?" said Emilia rolling her eyes at Miles. Her and Miles walked past them, giving them a smile as she did. Fred and Y/n repaid the smile, but George seemed to act like he didn't notice her.

"Where do you think Adrians run off too? You don't think him and Avery are doing it somewhere?" said Miles as the two of them walked into the courtyard and sat underneath a tree. Adrian would tend to often disappear with Hazel, and come back at night acting as if he was there the whole time.

"Speaking about me? I wasn't off anywhere with anyone, I just went and took a nap at the dorm." said Adrian sitting down next to Emilia who was looking at him suspiciously and looked back at her book.

"Oi! Morales! I have a question?" said Marcus Flint, Slytherins caption, and chaser. He often would come and ask Emilia how they would play Quidditch in America, but also believed girls shouldn't play, so he never let her try out, he also was one of the people who thought she was beautiful.

"What is it Flint? If it's anything stupid just walk away right now." said Emilia closing her book, as Adrian and Miles looked at each other and back at Marcus.

"Well, you know how you are our strategist for Quidditch, are you planning on trying out next year, since i'm not going to be caption anymore, i just wanted to know?" said Marcus causing the three Slytherins to look at him confused.

   "Um, I'm not sure, depends on who you plan on giving the caption position too." said Emilia looking at him confused. "Plus you can call me Emilia, whats the point of my last name."

"Right, Emilia.. well you can call me Marcus." said Marcus smiling at the girl and looking at her up and down before walking away. Miles and Adrian seem have to noticed and usually when guys flirt with Emilia, they make fun of her, but this time Miles had a different approach.

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