52- Cassius Warrington Party

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(Nick Morales^^)

TW!!! This chapter may contain sensitive topics! I will warn you when if you want to skip over it!

It's been a week since Cedric's funeral, Emilia barely eats, barley sleeps and gets horrible nightmares of seeing her boyfriend's dead body. Y/n can't close her eyes because she imagined Cedric's dead body from that night Harry returned with him. Adrian and Miles lay awake at night feeling horrible, as Fred and George spent their week cleaning out headquarters.

Emilia spent her days in the graveyard where Cedric was buried, she would sit in silence looking at his headstone, bringing him new flowers everyday. "I have to learn to live without you again Ced.. I don't think I can handle that.. I miss you more and more everyday. It's difficult for me to imagine the rest of my life without you... I'm so mad at you for leaving me and it's not even your fault." said Emilia tears streaming down her face. "I visited your parents yesterday.. your mom told me I shouldn't spend my days here.. but I should've been spending them with you like we use too..I can't take it anymore.."


Y/n, Adrian, Miles and the twins apparated to Emilia's house only to find Nick and Hayden in the living room. "Oh hey." said Nick as he popped a grape in his mouth. "Emilia isn't home."

"Where is she?" said Miles

"Where she's been this whole week, where they buried Cedric." said Hayden as Y/n looked over at Adrian sadly.

"She's been there everyday?" said Y/n as Nick nodded.

"She stays there all day, she leaves in the morning and doesn't come back until sunset and then locks herself in her room." said Nick as Fred and George looked at each other.

"At least she's getting some type of sun." said Hayden.

"Should we go?" said Miles, Y/n nodded as she looked down at her watch. They apparated to the graveyard to see Emilia hugging her knees in front of Cedric's headstone. Y/n walked over to her as she sat down next to her. Emilia looked up with tears in her eyes as she laid her head on her.

"I know E.." said Y/n as her eyes filled with tears. George and Fred hadn't been to Cedric's grave, they made their way over to it and made flowers appear. "Let's take you back home yeah?"

Emilia held onto Y/n's hand as they apparated back into her house. Nick and Hayden turned around to see her as they looked at her softly. "Did Cassius invite you to his party E?" said Adrian as she nodded. "Let's go, I think you need some cheering up."

"Why is he even having a party." said Emilia

"He finish his last year at Hogwarts." said Miles as they all sat on the couch. Emilia looked down at her feet as she wiped her face.

"I think you should go, you can't be like this all the time." said Hayden as Nick nodded. Fred and George smiled as she looked at them.

"Are we all going?" said Emilia as Fred and George nodded. Adrian and Miles gave her a look as she sighed. "Alright.. I guess."

"Brilliant!" said Y/n as Emilia gave a fake smile. She went upstairs to change and wash her face when she came back down to see them all looking at her, Emilia had plaid skirt , with a crop top. "Beautiful as always."

"You're too kind Y/n/n, I could kiss you." said Emilia with a smile. Adrian narrowed his eyebrows at his friend as she chuckled.

"Let's head off now?" said Fred as the others got up, they apparated in front of a large house and knocked on the door. The house was filled with people when Cassius opened the door to see them all.

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