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She finally picked the call after trying her phone for the whole day, He didn't get tired of trying. A year before on the same day, They got married. He thought nothing worse can happen in his life than that, But he regretted his thought at that night, Not because of the physical intimacy, But because of her who didn't give him any chance to regret the fate which pushed them to the relationship. The way she dragged him to her side and kept her head in his chest was still roaming in her mind. From Nobody to Everything. 

But these 9 months, All they could recall was one grief after the other. Nothing was there in hands to control, If he could, He would have. He was not well, He was working like a maniac for the continuous three days and night only to divert himself from everything. None can help him but a phone call did. And he finally gets a relaxation that she's coming over it. But both could have healed together if she stays with him. But she was against that idealogy.

Before 9 Months.

"I didn't say anything to Anika since she was already in shock knowing her pregnancy after 3 months. But I am not supposed to hide anything from you, Mr Oberoi." - Ramya said in a composed tone looking straight to him. He was startled, His heart didn't have any strength to bear any other shocking news. The news of their baby and the death news of her father came along at the same time.

Even though He didn't have much communication with her father for a very long time, He badly wanted everything he heard was fake news. Her mom just received a call telling that Colonel Harshavarthan Trivedi is no more. From her, Jhanvi came to know. And she didn't wait for a second to call shivaay and convey the news who was equally shattered as he talked to him before three days, And now, He's no more. Shivaay knew how much Anika prayed for her dad to be safe every day and this news will definitely shatter her world upside down so he didn't want to rush telling the news to her.

After she revealed him about her pregnancy, He totally went blank. He experienced the thing which he didn't expect for even 0.00001%. When it happened, He still had no idea how to react. He was still shocked but after whatever the doctor said, His patience level went on minus. 

"What happened? Please tell me clearly." - He asked the doctor when anika was waiting for him outside impatiently. He held the table for the support when he felt a slight jerk in his whole body. 

"Fetus is 10 weeks old. But we are guessing that it might be suffering from Down syndrome. We need to perform CVS as soon as possible." - Ramya said in a go without understanding his mental balance right then. He became silent for a while, The tears which were held up throughout leaked after knowing about the child. 

"Mr Oberoi, Nothing is confirmed yet. But a test is mandatory. Please stay strong." - Ramya tried to console him. But still, He was in the same condition and Inside he started to take every blame on his head. 

"Anika is a doctor, She understands it well. But she couldn't see any deficits in the ultrasound which tensed me more. That's why I didn't let her wait to open it to you. She's the mother. Mothers never understand practicality when it comes to their kid. But you should stay strong and tell her about this." - She said in a calm tone.

"Her father passed away this morning." - He said to her when he couldn't able to handle everything on his own. 

"Oh my god." -  Ramya murmured cupping her mouth in shock. 

"Did she know about it?" - Ramya asked.

"Not yet. I thought I personally open it to her. But..." - Shivaay was stuck. He couldn't able to finish his sentence but shocked when the door slightly and it was anika who knocked. He turned around, For a second, He couldn't able to recognize her.  Her hair got messed up, There's no trace of kajal in her eyes and it was swollen than he saw it before and she was holding her phone tightly inside her fist. 

"I think we should leave. Priyanka called me."- Anika told in a broken tone. He understood She must have told her about her father demise. Tears continued to flow looking at her but she didn't match her eyelids with him. He stayed inside, She stayed outside. None reach out to each other. one suffering from her dad's loss and another suffering from the news about their unborn child being specially-abled. Shivaay was not ready for the news but when the news broke him apart. 

"I am waiting for you outside." - Anika said and left. He left with no option other than following her. He couldn't able to hear anything beyond her and She didn't stand or wait till she reaches the car. She waited for him without turning her face to him. She gets into the car next moment.

"Anu. I was about to tell you. But..." - He tried to talk to her. 

"I can understand it. Can you do me a favour?" - Anika asked him with a welled up eyes. 

"This news" She touched her belly looking down "can wait. Please don't say anything to anyone. Let it stay with us for a while."  She added in a very low tone. All he could answer was hmm. After a long time, He replied to her in monosyllable. That's the least he could do. 


"Happy wedding Anniversary, Darling!" - Nina hugged her in the next moment when she breaks the news to her when she asked the reason behind her silence for a long time. It's not you, Please get back to yourself soon. One part of her yelled. But at the same while, She was not ready to get back to herself in any situation. If she did, She will burst off to tears and will break again and again thinking about the past.

"Thanks." - She replied with a flashing smile, Soon the smile went out of trace. Nina noticed her going back to silence, Neither she cried nor she spoke anything. Holding her empty glass, She stayed in silence. 

"Anu. It's high time, Now. Stop resisting yourself. You badly need him now and he's at the same place too. Staying here, You are hurting him and also hurting yourself. Come on, Yaar. You're a doctor, More than you who will understand the practicality of raising a down-syndrome child." - She asked him, Which tickled the tears in her eyes in a millisecond. That word was enough to break her down again. 

"I was ready to give up anything. My studies, My whole career, My dream, Everything. And I still have no regret to decide it like that, then. Specially abled or normal, At last, It's my child. Why people can't understand it? I am the mother. " - She asked her standing with a fury in her eyes. 

"But he did, Right. He understood you, Even he was ready up everything for the child. Then what's the problem with you, Ani? Why are you avoiding him?" - Nina asked her, But Anika didn't stop, She left to her room and closed her room with a thud and cried overnight. That's the last thing she could do. 


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