Let's face it.

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For Anusha every morning goes like Waking up alone, Bringing herself to the mirror, Lazily walking towards the kitchen preparing a cup of coffee to herself while glancing her husband's photo frame greeting him good morning. This is how Her morning starts. But that morning was different, She felt a tight hug from her back which jerked her open her eyes. Upto his surprise, It was her daughter who arrived at her house right then. 

"Baby! When did you come back?" - Anusha asked her turning towards her side. 

"Let me hug you for a while, Mumma. I am feeling so bad." - Anika said crawling close to her. Anusha resisted her tears as always and kissed her daughter's cheek while then she noticed the plaster in her right hand. She sat up in her bed in a jerk while anika crawled to her lap. 

"What happened to your hand?" - Anusha asked her in a shocking tone. 

"Let's sleep for a while, I will tell everything clearly afterwards." - She said crawling back to sleep. But her mom continued to ask her in a tensed tone. 

"Mom. Chill. Nothing happened to me." - Anika said turning back to another side. 

"Anika, After 9 months, I got to see my daughter in person with a broken hand,  How could you expect me to not get tensed?" - Her mom asked her waking her up forcefully. She sat opposite her in a sleepy state.

"Nothing major happened. No fracture, Just bleeding a bit since it hit on his specs. It will get healed in two days." - Anika said and fell back to bed. 

"His specs. What happened, Anika?" - Her mom lost her patience. 

"It's Arshat, Mom. He tried to misbehave with me, And I broke his nostrils, Proving I am the daughter of Colonel Harshavarthan Trivedi. Daddy would be proud of me." - She said again fell back to sleep. 

"Arshat is your friend, Right." - Her mom asked in shock.

"Such an A**hole he is. If they left me, I would have smashed his balls "- Anika started speaking and eventually got hit in her back when she used that kind of language with her mom. 

"Do I also not allowed to speak?" - Anika yelled getting up from the bed. 

"The language you're using was not acceptable." - Her mom said in a cold tone. 

"Dr Anusha Trivedi. I said someone misbehaved with your daughter." - Anika said to her. 

"Clearly, I can see the outcome. Proud of you, My darling. Sleep. okay!" - Her mom said.

"Good night." - Anika said and fell back to sleep. 

"Such a jealous pig. Wait, Am I allowed to say 'pig' in this house?" - Anika asked her. 

"Good morning, Anika..." - Anusha went away from her room holding her phone and checking the messages. In a second, She felt like seeing her ruthless teenage daughter who comes home with a complaint a day but at last, She got her daughter back. While then, She got a call from shivaay. She immediately attended the call. 

"Mom, Is anika came?" - Shivaay asked her as soon as she attended the call. 

"Yes, With a Heroic stigma!" - Anusha said with a smile. 

"What happened to her?" - Shivaay asked her in panic. 

"By any chance, You knew about Anika's classmate, Arshat. She broke his nostrils, Probably she might have broken his whole face." - Anusha said. 

"That bastard tried to misbehave with anika. He deserves that mom. It might be a different scene if I present there. " - Shivaay said in a fury.

"If you get to know about everything, Why did you even waste your time in asking?" - Anusha asked him smiling. 

"I hope she's alright." - Shivaay heaved out his deep breath. 

"I will ask her to call you once she wakes up." - Anusha said, Shivaay stayed silent on the other hand. But rested the call eventually. But Anusha could feel the tension between them. Even Anika didn't go to her in-law's house directly but came back to her, But waited for a moment to speak with her. 


"Baby! Coffee." - Anusha gave her coffee by afternoon and wake up her from sleep. Anika woke up from her deep sleep, Had coffee and again lied back in her mom's lap. Anusha kissed her forehead and tugged back her hairs behind her earlobe. 

"Didn't go to the hospital?" - She asked her in a sleepy state. 

"Nope. Decided to spend a day with my daughter." - Anusha said, Anika smiled opening her eyes. 

"I think the sun raised in the west. My mom took a leave that too, For her daughter. I love you, Mummy." - She said taking her palm and kissed it.

"I prepared your favourite lunch, Go and bath, soon. Let have it together." -She said getting up and held her up to stand up. She smiled constantly seeing her care. Her daughter has always been a pampered child. Seeing her face, She sensed something very wrong going with her but Anusha waited for a correct time to ask her. Anika freshen up and reached the dining area soon while Anusha waited with the lunch. 

"Uff. After a long time." - Anika whispered and acted like attacking with the fork. 

"Anu. You know when will you behave so hyperactive?" - Anusha asked her. She stopped eating and looked at her. 

"When you are hiding or struggling to say something from me. What happened to your phone, Anika?" - Her mom asked her. 

"I told you already. It had gone theft." - Anika said focusing on her food. 

"But you said, You broke it accidentally when I called you last time." - Anusha double-crossed her. Anika kept her fork away and continued gazing her food. 

"What happened?" - Anusha asked her. 

"Confused. Don't know which is right which is wrong. Sometimes feeling I took a correct decision but at the same while, I am thinking I needed further clarification." - Anika said with a welled up eyes. The thing she was trying to hide from her mother finally opened up to her. She told her everything whatever happened after the miscarriage to everything happened in the party. She never lied anything to her mom from the school days. For Anusha, She was always been an open book. She thought saying that Anusha might get worried and depressed but her reaction was unexpectable. 

"Anu. Do you know I have sent the divorce notice to your father two times?" - Her mom said which almost surprised her. 

"Both happened exactly after my miscarriages. One for cursing my fate and another for suspecting him to have extra-marital affair. But your daddy didn't give up on me instead tried to talk with me and you don't believe everything got solved overnight. We didn't need time to understand." - Anika looked at her in a shock when she opened up a part of her married life to her. 

"I know in your case, It's different, But shivaay also never gave up on you. See the coincidence. And you also somehow believed that Arshat's words, Right. But at the end of the day, You came to know about his true intentions." - Her mom said it to her. 

"But why he should lie to me?" - She asked her mom with teary eyes. 

"People lie to us for many reasons, Some for not getting caught, Some in the fear of losing people. Shivaay is in which category?" - Anusha asked her leaving her speechless. 

"Speak to him. Try to understand his point of view. If the things didn't turn out, I promise to stay with my daughter's side.

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