The Play of Fate.

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"I swear if you don't stop now, I will..."- Anika's words died inside her mouth when he arrested her in-between him and dressing table holding her waist tickling her. She went with the foundations and Concealers she had to cover the mark instead got arrested in the grip. Anika realized trying to go away from him was the mere waste of time. It's better to burry everything away along with the past will be good for their future. The moment she decided to throw everything from her mind, She felt her the light in her life in the form of him. 

"What will you do?" - He asked her tickling and coming close to her. 

"Please stop, For the first time in my life, My eyeliner came straight and good. Please don't spoil it." - She said while moving back from him. 

"But sweety, I have no intension to spoil your eyeliner but your lipstick." - He said moving close to her. She resisted it with her hand made him kiss in her hand. 

"Please don't be so desperate, Forget, We got married and also I wore a matte lipstick. If it stuck in your lips, You can't erase it soon and also we are getting late. Please spare me." - She said tried to get rid of his grip but She couldn't.

"Why you have to wear makeup? You're simply beautiful." - He said. 

"Only for you. Please let me do my makeup to you to save your dignity." - She asked while opening her concealers. 

"Leave it, Let me show the people how lucky I am." - He whispered back. 

"You have gone insane. We came here to attend the party, Remember. Not for the honeymoon. Okay" - She said to him while applying the foundations to match it first. He made her sit in the dressing table and let her do her work. 

"Speaking about Honeymoon, Where should we go for a honeymoon?" - He asked her. 

"It's called Vacation, Mr Oberoi. We are married for one year, Remember." - She asked him. 

"And In these one year, We lived together hardly for just one month. So technically it's our honeymoon."- He said in a fake angry tone. 

"Why the hell it's not matching?" - She cried when the foundation didn't match his neck colour. But his eyes went on the reflection of the mirror which showed her hidden tattoo underneath of hair in behind her neck. It was in the most hidden place of her neck. 

"Wait, Is that a tattoo?" - He asked her touching it. She gulped her smile and continued applied the concealers.

"Is it Chinese?" - He asked glancing  

"Finally matched, I won the match, Mr Oberoi!" - She tried to change the topic by giving him hi-fi. Instead, he released her from the grip and turned her towards the mirror and glanced the tattoo again. 

"What is it?" - He asked her. 

"I thought you're smart enough to find it on your own. Don't you have a smartphone?  Scan it and find it, That's it." - She said so casually while gulping the smile. He took the phone and scanned it in the google lens but she keeps moving. 

"Stop moving." - He said looking at her reflection. 

"Okay, I will." - She said. He was taken back to see his name came in the translation. He cupped his mouth in surprise and again glanced her reflection. 

"How's my anniversary gift?" - She asked looking at his reflection. He was spellbound, He couldn't able to speak anything. 

"Is it better than this?" - She asked him showing her ring. He even couldn't able to speak anything then. 

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