Close to Death

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"Come with me..." - Anusha trivedi held her hands forcefully to out of the house. Least caring about the fact that she lost her husband just two days before. She was not looking emotional, She was looking determined especially after shivaay went to speak with her. Her dragging was too harsh. Shivaay looked at them shockingly when she was dragged by her to the car. 

"Shivaay, Get in." - She said coldly. While shivaay take the car keys from her and started the car. Anika was in the back seat, Anusha sat in the passenger seat, Impatiently. While then, Anusha's phone pinged. Anusha opened her phone in urgency and checked it with a terrifying face which Anika had no idea about. Shivaay looked at her through the front mirror but didn't answer anything. 

"Mumma, Where are we going?" - Anika asked her. But she didn't reply anything rather asked shivaay to go faster. 

"Hospital!" - Shivaay replied to her. She didn't ask any question further, Because she guessed. They parked the car in the parking lot. She got down from the car soon get dragged by her mother. But she was still confused about why her mother rushing her for the ultrasound. Everything happened in a spark. Shivaay held her palms silently when she has gone through everything. 

"I think she's right. Fetus is... Oh my god!" -  Her mom murmured to shivaay who looked at with a ray of home. Anika didn't get anything. She continuously shifted her gaze from Shivaay to Anusha for an answer. 

"What happened, Mom? Are you hiding something from me, Shivaay?"  - She asked them. But none of them replied anything to her. 

"We should proceed with CVS, ASAP." - Anusha again murmured to herself. Anika started to get it slowly but her heart wasn't ready to understand anything. 

"Why CVS? Baby is alright. What the hell are you talking about?" - She asked both shifting the gaze from one another. Shivaay didn't match her eyelids with her.

"Anika. This is not time to argue. Please cooperate." - Anusha replied to her again in a cold tone. 

"Maa... You're decision for someone who's apparently a part of me, Right now! I have all the rights to know what you both are talking about." - Anika replied back coldly to her and again shifted her gaze again to shivaay for an answer but he rather moved his head away than facing any question to her.

"You tell me, Anu. Why does a pregnant take CVS? You're a doctor, Right."  - Anusha asked her rather. Anika stayed silent. She got it. but she was not ready to listen to any kind of those words. After her dad's demise, She thought she wasn't alone anymore which keep her going but this news almost trashed her apart. 

"Why are you so cold?" - She asked her mom after a long pause with teary eyes. 

"I think it's your perspective, I am thinking practical rather than emotional at this moment. Maybe, Because of that." - Her mom said in the same tone. 

"In clear words, The fetus might be suffering from some birth defects, For that, You're undergoing these procedures. Get ready! I will be back in a few minutes." - Anusha said looking at her and shivaay, Left the ward at the next moment. Anika forgot to blink, She still can't proceed with her words. Her palm was still holding shivaay's palm. She looked at him when he tightened the grip in her shoulder. 

"Do you know it, Before?" - Anika asked him. 

"Ramya told me, And she also told me they guess. They aren't confirmed it. We still left with some hope. Let's think positively." - He said holding her tightly close to his chest. She couldn't help herself from crying. Holding him tightly. 

"Do you really want to have the baby?" - She asked him with teary eyes and choking tone. 

"What type of question is this? Of course, I want our child. Be positive. Nothing will happen to our child." - He said consoling her, Bur she was 

She woke in a jerk hearing the calling bell all of sudden in the middle of the afternoon. Tears in her eyes got dried but she was not crying anymore. Nina took a day off with Anika to help her pack to the party, But when she dozed off tired, She left her room. 

"Nina..." - Anika called her but none replied back. She walked to the drawing-room lazily and found a note in the table that she left to the neighbour house to teach maths to an eight-year-old boy.  Leaving the note back, She walked towards the door and opened it. 

"Hi..." - He breathed out looking at her. She stayed stuck in seeing him. She never expected him so soon, And she was still in her pyjamas. Her eyes pictured him in a spark and started finding changes. Her heart wanted to hug him so tight and never let him go off from the grip but she stayed stuck over then, The terrible reality hit her. 

"Hi... Did I wake up late? Oh my god! Sorry!" - She started to get panic seeing him there. Shivaay told her that he will pick her up in the evening straight to the airport but when she saw him in her doorstep she started to wonder whether she heard evening or Afternoon. 

"Why are you panicking? I just reached so soon, Don't know what to do. That's why I came here. Did I come in the wrong timing? Also wanted to buy some gift to aunty and Uncle." - He asked her.

"No. Not at all, Come in." - She welcomed him inside gulping the lump in her throat because of his sudden arrival. Shivaay looked around while glancing every part of the house, He knew her resident details but never visited her once keeping his word on her condition. It was the first time of him in these 6 months after she moved in with Nina. 

"Where's Nina?" - Shivaay asked her. 

"She went to neighbour's house for teaching their son. She used does that whenever she gets time." - Anika replied to him. 

"You sit down, I will bring you coffee." - Anika rushed herself and walked past him but she couldn't able to move another step when he held her wrist and stopped from leaving. She felt her whole body responding to his touch after a long time, But she held back from reacting to it.

"Let's talk first, Sweety. Forget, We are seeing each other after eight long months. Come." - His tender tone again started to scratch the guilt in her heart but she nodded to him and took a seat next to him. His hands proceeded his way from her wrist to palms and held it gently. 

"How are you, Sweety?" - He asked her looking straight into her eyes. Even she matched her eyelids with him, But couldn't able to lie anything to him so she shifted her gaze to her lap which was trembling to get up from the place. 

"Fine! Good! Actually..." - She spoke bowing her head down. 

"Sweety!" He made her look into his eyes. 

"Repeat the same words, Again." - He asked her holding her chin with his index. 

"I am fine." - She spoke, But her eyes welled up eventually while taking those words. He didn't wait a moment to hug her. She hugged him back burying her face in his shoulder. She didn't know what she was doing but for now, She needed this hug a lot. 

"Remember, Once I told you. This is your safe place. You can hide it from the whole world but not with me. Whatever be the problem, Whatever be the situation, This person will always be in your side. Okay, sweety." - He said kissing her forehead. Those words again tickled her tears more. But she didn't want to let him know the reason. 

"Okay! Relax. I didn't have any motive to make you emotional, Again. But it's also not okay to suppress everything in your heart, Right. Things change, Life changes and nothing is constant. Look at me, Last year at the same moment, I thought I am the greatest fool in the earth, Now look at us. It's for a reason, Ani. I know it's been a very bad experience. But we can't change the past suffering it in the present. Relax, Sweety." - He said hugging her and again kissing her forehead. She replied back in monosyllable and break the hug. Her monosyllable had many questions which she badly wanted to ask him and she knew, She will never ever able to ask those questions to him.


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