It's from the beginning.

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"Anu. You sleep in the bed! I will take the couch." Shivaay said taking pillows from the bed moving towards the couch, Anika couldn't control her smile when he does that. When everything has happened between them why he's taking the pillows and choose the couch to sleep. But she didn't speak anything.  He didn't see her and slept turning off the light. Anika changed to her night pyjamas and arrived. But he couldn't able to sleep, He keeps changing the positions. She felt so pity for him. 

"Shivaay!" She called while nudging his shoulders, He turned around in a second and asked her what. 

"Come. Let's sleep there. You're not comfortable." Anika said sternly. 

"It's okay! I will sleep in a few minutes. Don't worry about me." He hesitated half sitting in the couch. She nodded in disbelief and raised her head to him. He could feel what she was thinking in the mind and he thanked the god, It was not spoken. 

"Shivaay, I know it's the fresh start! But I really think, you don't have to start from scratch! Do you understand?" She asked him which slightly shaken him up. He thought she's not matured enough to handle the complications of this relationship but he was wrong. 

Hearing her words, He got ready to leave the bed, He didn't want to argue more since his pain in his back was more than his heartache. Anika forwarded her hand to him to get up, He smilingly held her hand and stood up. Touching his palm, She realized his temperature was high. And she immediately checked his temperature keeping her hand in his forehead. 

"OMG... Mr. Oberoi. You're having fever." Anika exclaimed as soon as checking his temperature. 

"It's nothing. I will become normal." - Shivaay resisted but before he could resist the treatment. She made him sit in the bed and filled the water in the glass, Handed it to him. He accepted it without asking anything.

"I think your blood pressure also pretty high. Look at your eyes." - She said checking his eyes. 

"I am fine, Anu." - He resister her words.

"Do you have first-aid?" - She asked him. 

"In my previous house, I had it. I think it must have misplaced." - He said so casually. 

"What?" - She asked him in disbelief. 

"Without measuring your blood pressure, I can say the readings. It will be definitely around 100. And you're having the history of heart disease! WHO YOU THINK YOU'RE?" - She asked him in her high tone. He stayed stunned and silent. But Anika immediately grabbed her phone and made a call. 

"Yami. I need a help from you." - Anika asked her friend. 

"Yeah, I came back! Okay, It's not the time to ask me why I didn't respond your calls." - She tried to speak but her friend over the phone continuously spoke to her without leaving a gap. 

"Listen... Yes, I am in... Listen... LISTEN, YAMI. IF I CALL YOU AT THIS HOUR, YOU MUST THINK IT SHOULD BE AN EMERGENCY, RIGHT. NOW LISTEN TO ME, I HAVE WHATSAPPED YOU THE MEDICINES AND ATTACHED THE ADDRESS ALONG WITH THAT. PLEASE DO THE NEEDFUL." - Anika bashed at her for not listening anything to her. Shivaay heaved out a deep breath in shock witnessing the other side of her. 

"And he has allergy towards Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, I didn't prescribed it so don't use your brain and do anything. Please be here asap." - Anika said and rested the call. She rested next to him in the bed crossing her legs in frustration. He didn't speak a word when she checked his pulse grabbing his wrist. 

"Thankgod! The pulse is normal." - She murmured to herself. 

"I am fine, Anu." - He said. 

"How do you know?" - She asked him sternly. 

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