Forget and Move on.

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Shivaay's face stretched to a constant smile when his wife found solace in his shoulder, He didn't try to wake her up even though he felt a slight pain in his shoulder. For him, Her peace and sleep are more important than anything. But when the announcement hit his ears, He had to wake her up. Removing her earphones from her ears, He tugged her hairs behind her earlobe, She snuggled more into him in sleep. Almost crawled into him. 

"Sweety! Wake up. We are about to land." - He whispered in her ears. She opened her eyes and looked ahead him, For a second, She forgot everything and smiled at him. Her smile again sweeps off his feet. He was witnessing her smile after a long time. He got what he hoped for in this trip. Her smile. 

But soon it started to fade away when the air hostess again announced the landing. She went away from his grip and he stretched his hand to relieve himself from the pain, She gazed him with pity eyes. 

"I am sorry, Is it paining a lot?" - She asked him in a worried tone. But he nodded no with a smile and held her palm tightly. The time was 10 when they reached the hotel to take rest. The cosy hotel room didn't forget to scare anika about the happenings and change in her decision. 

"Not nice?" - He asked her when he saw her distressed face. 

"No. It's beautiful." - She said walking towards the giant transparent window shield, Gazing the whole city in the bird view. 

"Okay, Anu. Freshen up, I will order food for us." - He said taking the telephone to call the hotel.

"I am okay, Shivaay. I am not feeling hungry." - She resisted. 

"What? You also didn't have a proper lunch, I am ordering. I don't want to argue with it." - He said in a slightly cold tone, Leaving her with no choice. 

"Then, You go and freshen up, First. I have to bath." - She said, He nodded to her and ordered everything up to her choice and wish even she didn't ask him anything. He still remembers her wish in his fingertip. And everything happening around her making her think whatever she assumed was nothing but a lie. But she remained silent. After ordering, He went to the washroom to freshen up himself. 

"Sweety." - He called her after getting freshen up. She picked her night suits and left. 

The water from the shower splashed her whole body and also her inner soul which started to wash all the hesitations inside her. She came out clean, But inside, She was fighting with herself. She thought this 8 month of separation brought some change in his behaviour and also slides him away from his guilt. But up to her surprise, He was the same person as before, Same care, Same love. When she took the word love, Her heart stings and stopped thinking for a while and tears rushed out from her eyes along with the water. But she relaxed from the thought and also became tired from fighting with her for him and left everything to fate. If fate brought her there, It will definitely have some reasons in it. Keeping that only in her mind, She went outside. 

She saw him in the balcony witnessing the night sky of Hyderabad having a glass with water next to him. She walked towards him and stood next to him. 

"What happened?" - She initiated the conversation. He quickly wiped off his tears and smiled at her. She was shocked to see the pain mixed smile in his face, This time, He failed to hide his feelings from her. Without her knowledge, She moved close to him and wiped off his tears properly with a shock. 

"It's nothing." - He said and looked away from her. 

"Practice what you preach. You said I don't have to hide my feelings from you. Then why are you hiding everything from me?" - She asked him looking deep into his eyes. 

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