Pure emotions.

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"I have an idea, Anu. Let's go to Mauritius together. You celebrate your honeymoon there, I will celebrate mine, There. What do you say?" - Priyanka asked Anika when she helped to change her bridal wear. 

"Are you serious, My love? Won't you feel awkward? Because my husband is your brother. Just imagine. You with bikini chilling in the ocean revealing all your love bites and Your brother would be there at the same place." - Anika said chuckling. 

"Eww. That's really a bad idea." - Priyanka said smiling.

"But I think someone also revealing their hickey's." - Priyanka added while pointing her right shoulder. But anika know how to manage it. 

"Well, Don't you think there are many mosquitos in Udaipur. And you brother worked till late night to sort all this." - She said in cold tone hiding her shoulder. 

"Well, You know one thing. My brother used to have very busy schedules in his school and colleges. But then too, He never misses his morning jocking and gyming those days. Isn't it fascinating?" - Priyanka asked her. Anika chuckled in an instant when all her cover-up went waste. 

"Oh, my friend. Hide it, Before anyone teases you." - She said throwing the concealers to her. 

"And you know the funny part, You also didn't notice while dressing up. Why My friend?" -  Priyanka again asked. 

"Who said I dress up on my own?" - She asked her with a smile. 

"Yuck. Too much of Information." - Priyanka said while covering her face. 

"If you have dared to speak about my hickeys, You should also have dared to listen to this up." - Anika said chuckling. 

"Are you girls done?" - They both heard Jhanvi's voice in the chorus. Anika opened the door for her, Along with her Anusha and Tej also entered. But Jhanvi came up with a present.

"Are you hiding something from me, Aunty?" -  Priyanka asked taking the gift from her hand. She opened it and found a diamond necklace. Priyanka couldn't believe her eyes when she realized it was the same diamond necklace which she asked her dad to buy on her brother's wedding, But tej didn't get convince sooner, But when they both arrived at that shop, It went sold out. 

"Your uncle ordered it on the next day, But while then, They said it will take 5 months to deliver it. So actually took 9 months for the arrival, I waited to gift it on this beautiful day. And one more thing. I am gifting it to Priyanka, the favourite of Harshavarthan trivedi. Not for Priyanka who is apparently my daughter's sister-in-law." - She said with a smile. Anusha was a very strong woman compared to everyone in the room. She never cried while everyone cried at that moment including tej who shed tears. Anika's eyes welled up hearing those words but she didn't shed tears. 

"Thank you." - Priyanka hugged Anusha, Whispering it in her ears. 

"He never sees you and anika as different. For him, You, Shivaay and Anika all are his children." - Anusha said patting her back. While then, Shivaay arrived at that moment calling everyone to the mandap. But stopped seeing everyone's state.

"What's happening?" - He asked shifting his gaze from crying Priyanka to emotional anika. But they smiled at him indeed. 

"Let's go, Brother. Finally, you are going to get rid of this torture." - She said smiling and held his palms smiling mischievously. Heaviness raised in his heart when he felt the moment nearing. Holding her brother's palm, She walked down the aisle. There were no sort of smile in his face but the heaviness in his heart over-ruled.

Both her parents made her sit in the mandap. Her mom already warned her, She won't shed tears during the phera's or while applying sindoor. So she remained smiled and happy enjoying the session. The moment the kanyadhan was done, Shivaay couldn't hold up the tears. He turned around and wiped his tears. 

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