The Reasons.

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She regretted her trust towards her friends when Arshat tried to misbehave with her, and She stopped speaking with her friends when they made a massive revelation of her life which even have an intensity to change her life upside down but she was not ready to believe it until she hears it from her husband. But the fear didn't fail to disturb her over the next 3 days. Also, Anika didn't ask for any proofs to them, Instead ignored them like they never existed to her. But out of sudden, Arshat startled her in the middle of the night on the way towards her washroom. She accompanied with none but came alone. 

"Ani. Why are you keep ignoring me?" - Arshat asked her with red shot eyes, She was confused for a while, He was waiting for her in the middle of the night on the way to the restroom and asking her random questions. 

"Arshat, Have you become mad? Leave me." - Anika said and tried to go past him but he again blocked her way and tried to touch her shoulder but she immediately jerked off his hands and stared at him angrily. 

"You knew it from the start, But then too, You ignored me. I never existed to you, Right." - He started while decreasing the distance, She could smell the alcohol from his breath. 

"Arshat, Stop whatever you're doing right now. You're drunk. If you didn't stop now, The consequences will be very bad, Arshat. I warn you." - She said walking back. But he twisted her hand backwards and pulled her from the back. In the next second, Anika twisted his left with her leg, Released herself from the grip and hit his face so hard. He yelled in pain. Hearing his sound, Everyone rushed outside, Anika's hand started to bleed but he was worse. 

"Anika, What happened?" - Everyone asked her but she was not in the position to answer anyone. Seeing his state and her condition they concluded everything. Anika was taken to the first aid after that but she didn't speak anything and started to think about how blindly she believed her friends with his behaviour Arshat proved what he wanted from her. Over then, Riddi gave her phone to Anika saying Nina was in the call. 

"Anika. Oh my god. Just got to know. Are you alright?" - Nina asked in a panic. 

"Yeah, Nina. I am fine. Nothing happened to me." - Anika finally spoke to her after a long time. 

"Arshat, That bastard. I didn't expect that from him." - Nina spoke. 

"I never knew about his intension but Priyanka keeps warning me about him. I never took it seriously." - Anika said in a low tone. 

"Finally, You got to know which is correct and which is wrong. That's enough. Let's forget it as a nightmare." - Nina tried to convince. 

"Nina, Shall I ask you one favour?" 

"Yeah, Anu." 

"I know you're in touch with Shivaay, Please don't say anything to him. Already he's in too much of stress, I don't want to stress him, More." - Anika said, Nina stayed silent for a while. 

"Nina, Are you there?" - Anika asked her. 

"Anu. Shivaay is on a conference call, Right now."-  Nina said which made her to go on silence for a while, She didn't speak anything. She had no idea whether it was because of the guilt that she blindly believed her friends and took decision or because he chose to lie than telling the complete truth. But he also didn't deserve the ignorance over then. 

"I'm fine. He was drunk, Nina, How did you get to know about this?" - Anika asked her. 

"Riddhi called me to get contact with your family about the issue. I left with no options, She also said you became so silent. So I called him." - Nina bothered to give her explanation. For a second, Anika felt so close with Nina when she cared for her a lot even after getting only ignorance as a response. She didn't speak it out. 

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