Alone time.

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Please don't do this, - She cried in her thought but none of them was spoken when he still hugged her. Over then, They both heard a door opening sound. Nina wheeled inside the home and startled to see him there in that position for a while. They broke the hug out of sudden when they sensed her, There. 

"Sorry, I just came in the wrong moment." - Nina excused herself. 

"Nothing, We were just." - Shivaay said while Anika wiped off her tears looking away from him.

"Nina, Right? She spoke about you a lot." - Shivaay diverted the topic with a smile. 

"And you must be shivaay, Right."  - Nina asked him, He nodded with a smile. 

"Nina, Coffee?" - Anika asked standing up. She nodded and also offered to help but Anika went inside alone. But Shivaay accompanied her to the kitchen And slightly tightly taken back to see the tidiness of the entire house. 

"Espresso?" - She asked keeping his choices and preference in her mind. 

"Always." - He exclaimed with a smile. But Anika didn't smile back. She made three espressos, Shivaay took it in his hand while she was preparing. she went drawing room with two cups and handed one cup to Nina and started drinking the other. Shivaay followed her to the drawing-room. 

"Nice Interiors. Small and cosy. I love it." - Shivaay commented common looking around. 

"All credits goes to your wife. How could I able to beautify this house with this one leg?" - Nina said chuckling. But they both looked at her in a shock. 

"What the hell Nina?" - Anika asked her right the way when shivaay stayed silent. 

"When the whole world making fun why can't I? Come on, Ani. Chill out." - She said and take a large sip of the coffee. 

"Have you finished packing? And shivaay, You said, You will be there by evening, Right?" - Nina asked her. 

"I am confused about the gifts, So I thought of taking Anika's help. That's why." - He said with a smile. 

"Then, I will get ready in a few minutes. It's already late." - Anika said taking all the three empty cups in her hand and proceeded her way towards the sink. Shivaay couldn't believe his own eyes when she started washing all the three cups and kept it in the stand clean. Even though it was a good habit to follow but He feared losing her innocence with the new change. He didn't speak anything. 

"Is there any house help?" - He asked her casually. 

"For two of us? We don't need anyone." - Anika replied to him. 

She proceeded the way inside the room while shivaay waited for her in the drawing-room with Nina. She really wanted to be strong, But she couldn't stop herself from going in his way. She had to stop herself, That was the only thing which was there in her mind throughout. She switched on to her White Kurti and jeans. Within 20 minutes, She was ready and went out. 

"I am ready!" - She said taking her small suitcase along with her. Shivaay walked towards her and took the suitcase from her, She didn't resist because she knew, He will never permit her taking a suitcase. 

"This dress suits you perfectly." - He said with a smile, Leaning close to her while taking the suitcase from her hand. His breath again hit her, Her whole body again started to react and she again resisted herself from admitting the fact. 

"Okay, Bye, Nina. I hope you take at least 1% of my words. Take care." - He said, Anika was confused. But Nina stayed silent thinking about their conversation. 

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