The Undefined Truth

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The first thing she did after getting inside the van towards the medical camp was throwing her phone from the window and saw it getting trashed into pieces, Instead of getting worried, She felt so relaxed and prolonged weight she was carried all the way there was reduced a bit. She neither cried nor stopped thinking about the incident that happened. It keeps rolling in her mind like a film from the first time she heard about tia from Arshat and Yami to the moment he lied to her about it. When Yami told her that he saw him with tia, She didn't wait a moment to slap her and asked her to leave the house. But when she witnessed with her own eyes in a cafe that too, With an intertwined palm state, She was shocked and also expected him to say the truth to her. Instead, he covered up with lies and continued to meet her and she got pictures of it. She was totally broken, Her every night went crying inside the washroom silently when he completely dosed off.  She neither had the courage to ask him anything nor Stay with him as nothing happened. 

She decided to leave him in the name of the internship and also she took advantage over her miscarriage asked him about a break and left him with no choice but to accept her proposal. She thought that break will help him to come out of the guilt and move on with what he wanted in his life truly. But she was wrong, He was still in a dilemma. While he spoke to her directly how much he misses her in these 8 months made her believe he chose her in his life and the way he made love to her, She was again clouded by love, Her vision got blurred and also she didn't have any courage to ask him anything about it but she decided to leave everything and move on. Thinking everything in a go, She realized love can blind a person to any extent which eventually provokes the smile in her face. 

"Anika. We came." - Her fellow resident doctor woke her up. She got down along with her luggage. The overview of the medical camp was nothing but a basic tent-like camp. Municipality arranged their hospitality in a government school which was still in a constructive state. There was no regular supply of water but it was enough to survive. Cyclone just destroyed the village-like anything. Also, the agricultural land got spoiled, And there's no source of income to villagers. Looking at them, She realized that her problem was nothing compared to them. At least, She's healthy, having a place to live along with a decent income. From then, She stopped thinking about her life and started working for them full-fledged. At last, She's the daughter of a soldier who died for this country. 

Time is the only thing which never waits for someone. Ten days went like a jiffy and also the management wanted to extend the programme for 5 more days since the village people need more help from them. Along with medical care, Anika also learned to cook in the mud pot and normal fire. She never experienced that in her whole life and also she was too proud to learning it. People say right. The pain subsides according to time and also she paved her own way for progress in her career. She realized it when she finally wanted to talk to her mom. 

"Doctor, Can I borrow your phone? I want to make a call to my mom." - Anika asked her fellow doctor who was working along with her. 

"What happened your phone?" - She asked in-return giving her phone. 

"It accidentally fell from the van while arriving." - Anika said with a smile and dialled her mom's number. Whatever be the situation, How much angry we are with our mother, We can't forget her phone number. 

"Mumma..." - Anika called her as soon as her mom attended her call. Tears crossed her eyes when she heard her mom's voice after 9 whole months. 

"Baby!" - Her mom cried to her in-return. 

"Don't cry, Mumma." - Anika asked her mom in a childish tone. She didn't change her tone purposefully but it automatically changed when her mom called her baby after a long time. 

"I am... Sorry... Baby..." - Her mom cried again. 

"I already told you, Please don't cry. Everything is alright?" - Anika said in-return. 

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