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She was standing nearer to the door silent having no idea what to do. She had no choice to it. But she got married to him that's the end. In fact, She had no idea what had happened in the last few hours, But she's sure in one thing. He's hurt! He's hurt beyond repair. Maybe she can repair him. 

"Why are you standing there?" - He jerked her with his tone. She came to reality from the past in a spark. She looked at him blankly. 

"I mean why are you standing there. Is it suppose to be our 'first night'?" - He asked her quoting that particular word. Her inner organs shivered to an extent when he said that word. Never on the earth, she was prepared for this kind of first-night encounter in her life. But she stayed calm than freaking out. He had all rights to react in this way after whatever happened to him this morning. She felt scared but felt his inner feelings than her fear. She stepped ahead and sat on the decorated bed keeping her eyelids on the floor. 

She prepared a whole speech in her heart but nothing came out of her mouth, She stayed silent but in her mind, She was actually talking and consoling him. After all, She has feelings for him for the past three years but it was never spoken. She sensed a slight shake in the bed when he sat down adjacent to her. Her legs became sudden weak because of his action. It's not normal. Even though she didn't know anything about him personally, She sensed he was not in his peaceful state of mind and how she can expect he can be peaceful after his bride elopes from the marriage hall leaving just a note of 'I am done with you' for him. 

Her eyelids still staring at her bangles and her united fists. Lumps formed in her throat very frequently and she constantly gulps them down. He placed his hand above her united fists and she finally gathered up the courage to meet his eyes. 

"Anu..." - He called her and sarcastically laughed again. She was confused with his smile, She knew he was not disgracing her with his smile but he laughed at his fate. 

"I didn't even remember your full name. But see the luck,  We are married now. By the way, What's your full name, Anu?" - He asked her. 

"Anika. You didn't remember my name because you always called me by the name, Anu. Only who's close to me will call me by that name." - She managed to reply positively. She didn't want to hurt him more by making him think that she said yes to this marriage because she left with no choice. But, At the age of 20, Marriage is something she didn't keep in her mind. That too, While doing medicine, She shrugged off her thoughts telling herself that she will not think anything other than this present which is sitting next to her. 

"Seems like, You didn't witness anything." - He said while pressurizing his hold in her united palms. But that didn't hurt her. 

"No. Shiv. Nothing happened without my consent." - She replied to him. He was shocked to hear it. But the shocking reaction turned into a sarcastic laugh. 

"Well! Nice! At the age of 20, Middle of your studies, You got married to me and now, After everything, You're saying nothing happened without your consent." - He said taking off his hand from her palms and clasping his palms in frustration. 

"Why do I have to lie?" - She asked him in disbelief. 

"Leave Anu. You sleep. We will figure it out tomorrow, And also the marriage didn't get registered." - He said standing up from the bed. Anika realized that he has been talking about the dissolution of marriage that too, On the day when they got married. Her instinct made her stand up and held his wrist stopping him from leaving. Leaving her. He was taken back by her action. 

"If I have to repeat this a million times also, I will repeat. This marriage didn't happen without my consent. Please don't decide for me. What if I am 20 and Middle of my studies, I am over 18. I know what I am doing." - She said in a go. In a second, He loose his mind and jerked off her hand which made her jerk but didn't scare her. 

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