The left-out feeling.

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"Anika, Right? How are you?" - Tia asked with a calm smile looking at Anika. She was standing next to shivaay who was too silent seeing him there. Anika didn't even match the eyelids with shivaay to see his reaction because she knew if she finds any low and missing expression from him, It will haunt her throughout the whole life. 

"Good, You?" - Anika asked her with a smile. Shifting her gaze from shivaay to her, She replied she's fine with a smile. Both Anika and Shivaay didn't even spell a word. There was silence, Total silence. Neither Anika spoke anything nor shivaay did. They walked towards the ceremony stage together, Upto Anika's shock, Tia followed them staying in another side of shivaay. She felt so difficult to even digest it. Everything went so fast, Anika had no interest in anything even she was speaking and interacting with Priyanka mother-in-law, She was not doing anything full-fledged. The thing she thought of threw it away from her heart arises up when a guest misunderstood them as husband and wife. Anika badly wanted to run away from that place even shivaay didn't speak to her anything of her presence. 

"Excuse me." - She said and tried to leave from that triangle they were in. 

"Where are you going?" - He asked holding her wrist. 

"Washroom. I will come within a minute." - She whispered to him without meeting his eyelids and left. He immediately left her wrist, Even though she wanted him to leave her, She felt weak at that moment. She controlled her tears to an extent. But she couldn't stop it from flowing when she closed herself inside the bathroom. 

"No. No. No. You're insecure for no reason. Remember what he confessed to you, Last time. You have to believe him, Anika. He loves you as you do. Do think like this? Please." - She cried to herself before the mirror, Taking her tissues from her handbag and wiping her eyes which continued to flow tears. 

"Anu. Stop..." - She cried to herself kneeled down to floor crying. She opened the tap in his high speed and cried her hell out. Again wiping off her tears, She stood up from the floor and tugged all her hair to a bun and washed her face. 

"No more tears, Anu. If you decide to give another chance to your life, Give it full-fledged, Trust him. What did you think? leaving him before 8 months? He will get used to your absence and come out of his guilt. Did it happen? What does it mean? It means he loves you, Right. Trust in your love, Nothing else." - She said to herself before the mirror in a cold tone but when her eyes could sense the pain in her eyes. She busted out again. 

"I know it's difficult. But you have to do it, Anu. I would have asked you to speak directly to him if you have the courage to face his real answers. You will break down into pieces if your fears turned out as truth. So let it be, Okay. Don't ask him anything until he's ready to open up everything to you, One day." - She said again start putting makeup from foundation to kajal. 

"Relax. Smile." - She asked herself and put up a fake smile. Taking her handbag, She left out from the washroom. Her eyes searched for her husband as soon as she emerged out but she found him nowhere. She walked almost around the house for the second time, She even couldn't find tia either. Her heartbeat was beating so fast every passing second. She felt like going away from him every second. She became impatient but she didn't loose her mind in the party. She put up a smile in her face and wished everyone who speaks with her in the way. In the third round going around the house, She heard a weeping sound from the room. Her legs stopped working when she heard his voice consoling her. 

"I don't know what happened to me, Then. I shouldn't have done that. Oh my god, I ruined everyone's life." - Tia said weeping. Anika lost her balance and leaned back on the wall for support. Anika's eyes hit on the ceramic vase opposite to the room which reflected their image. For a second, She felt like the whole universe showing the truth behind her life in front of her. They both were hugging. But he didn't speak anything other than patting her arms. She started exhaling multiple times to control the tears from clouding her eyes. 

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