Steamy days of Bora-Bora.

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Anika went speechless, To see the view, The sapphire blue sky, Crystal clear water, and plus to all, A house in between the sea. Her long time wish collected together and she was experiencing it in front of her eyes. Tears crossed uncontrollably from her eyes because of happiness. 

Two days of flight travel, First from Chennai to Delhi, Then from Delhi to Dubai, Dubai to Paris, Paris to Tahiti and at last, Tahiti to Bora-bora

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Two days of flight travel, First from Chennai to Delhi, Then from Delhi to Dubai, Dubai to Paris, Paris to Tahiti and at last, Tahiti to Bora-bora. Anika felt so annoying and tired throughout the journey but the moment she opened her eyes, She was witnessing the place where she only been in her dreams. 

"It's not happening for real, Are They?" - She asked breaking the hug and again hugged him back tighter when he nodded yes with a smiley face. She again broke the hug and twirled around to see the whole house. Her legs automatically moved forward, There was a small drawing room attached to their bedroom with some necessities. There was a bathing tub outside the washroom facing the ocean, Inside the washroom, There was a shower underneath the transparent floor clearly seeing the fishes playing under the water. 

"Shivaay, How do you know?" - She asked him straight when he followed her to every place.

"Your Instagram saved feeds!" - He said chuckling. 

"Oh my god! Thank you so much!" - She said throwing herself to him, He held her tightly when she wrapped her legs against his waist. 

"You're really making me inferior." - She whispered moving her head from his shoulder and faced him face to face. 

"Why?" - He asked tugging her hair behind her earlobe. She remained in silence. 

"Leave everything, Sweety. Let's explore, Come on." - He said, She got down from his grip and ran holding his palm to the Giant door. She entered through the door and reached the ocean, Stepped down and dipped her foot in the ocean. 

"bathing suits?" - He asked her. Taking the extra luggage on the top of the bed. 

"NO WAY." - She yelled out when she saw the suitcase filled with two pieces and his shorts. 

"I thought you're an old school, It's so unexpected. And how did you manage to buy it!" - She asked him in a tired tone which she got a surprise after a surprise. 

"Hmm. Remember I used your laptop to send some emails. You logged into Amazon viewing these clothes. So I bought it online. That's comparatively easy." - He said chuckling when she cupped her mouth in shock. 

"You're so unpredictable." - She said and initiated the kiss, He didn't expect the kiss at that moment. It was too gentle and comforting. But when he started, It turned into a wild one. He made her fall on the bed next to the suitcase and kissed her mercilessly. His lips traced to her neck holding her hand tighter, Even she couldn't stop her building desires over him. 

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