Started with a smile.

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Shivaay eyes went to her lips when she crawled herself to his direction. But it didn't turn him on but recalled his first memory of her. His sister Priyanka was a-year-old when his mother who was still a best friend to Anusha trivedi, Anika's mom taken him to their house to meet 3 days old her. Everyone asked her to smile but 3-day-old Anika continued to snuggle in discomfort. But when he and his sister sneaked into the crib. She smiled at him while stretching her hands upwards. Her red-lips and her pink nose started to shine. Seeing her smiling, His sister started to jump while clapping her hands which eventually made her cry and his mom stared at him angrily thinking he was the responsible one. From then, He stopped staying nearer to her. 

Years went, Priyanka had to wait for the next academic years since she was born in August which in-turn made Anika and Priyanka started schooling together and they became inseparable from then like their mothers Anusha and Jhanvi. Anika used to come to their house every single just to broke some of his important things and get an angry glare from him. But he never complained anything to his parents. Even though he didn't accept the fact, Her visit to his house gives soul to the whole house with her giggling and her bad-jokes has a separate fan base. 

He's one who laughs to it but inside his room, He never showed up whenever she was in his house but she never fails to sneak into his room every day. He never needed any entertainment till he finishes his schooling while then Anika was studying third grade along with his sister. He always warned his sister asking her to stay away from him and his room but that warning has never listened. But when his record notebooks and his lab manual were used as paper boats during monsoon, He lost his patience and yelled at her very next second. That's when He saw her crying, But he stopped yelling at her when she started to cry saying sorry to him. He never complained to his parents but eventually got a call from her mother saying sorry on her behalf. And also they gave the phone to her.  

"I am sorry, Shivaay. Hereafter, I won't come to your room."  She said in a crying tone. Anika called him by his name due to his sister who calls him by his name even they have nine years of the age difference. He didn't speak anything but he felt so bad for yelling at her and even he wanted to say sorry but nothing came from his mouth. And also she didn't show up at his house after that. He felt so stressed without her. Her giggles and mischiefs. 

He started missing everything to the core. Over then, He overheard his parent's conversation about anika saying her mother send her to their house just to stop missing her dad so much who was serving in the military. Tej never showed any difference between anika and Priyanka which also came to his vision. When her mothers get late in the hospital, She used to come to their home and play with Priyanka. 

That day, Without any hesitation, He straight-away approached her classroom during lunch hour and most of the children left for lunch but Anika and Priyanka stayed in the class while then. He came inside and took the seat in the front. Anika's face turned off when she saw him over there but Priyanka smiled at him. 

"Anu. What happened?" - He asked her. She didn't reply. 

"Okay, I am sorry! I shouldn't have yelled you like that. But whatever you did also wrong na, Bachcha?" - He said, Priyanka and Anika looked each other shockingly when he called anika as bachcha like Jhanvi and Tej used to call her. 

"I already said sorry, Many times." - Anika said in a low tone. 

"That's why I came here. Why are you coming to our house?" - Shivaay enquired her. Anika stayed silent. 

"Okay, I bought something for you." - Shivaay said taking out two munch chocolates from his pockets. Both Anika and Priyanka got delighted to see it and receive it from him. 

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